LIQUIDATED FOR 20 EUROS AND 300 DINARS Accomplice of brutal murder in the middle of the street near Kragujevac sentenced to 10 YEARS IN PRISON


According to the Pozarevac High Court verdict, after the retrial, Malisa Dragutinovic (52) from Knezica was sentenced to 10 years in prison for complicity in the aggravated murder of Slavoljub Dragomirovic (66) from Melnica.

This verdict is not final, because the accused has the right to appeal to the Kragujevac Court of Appeal.

The first defendant, Nebojsa Milosevic “Žaba” (35) from Knezica, was sentenced to 30 years in prison in August and sent to serve his sentence.

For his accomplice, the trial was repeated after the appeal, in order to determine if he had intentions and if he knew there would be a murder, but he was given 10 years again in the repeated trial.

Nebojsa MilosevicPhoto: Social networks

Nebojsa Milosevic

The crime for which the defendants are charged occurred on September 27, 2018, on the Petrovac-Ranovac road, at the junction of the Melnica road, where Slavoljub was walking towards the house pushing a bicycle uphill. The accused followed him by car and passed him in front of the aforementioned crossing, where they waited for him to steal it.

Previously, he met Nebojsa Slavoljub in a shop off Petrovac, towards Knezica, and had a few beers with him, which he shared with him. When Slavoljub paid for the mentioned beer, Nebojsa saw that he had a certain amount of money with him, mostly euros. Since he had heard before that Slavoljub had sold the field, he thought he had a lot of money with him.

So he called his friend Mališa and suggested that it be robbed. He accepted that, but when they killed the unfortunate Mališ, they realized that there was only 20 euros and 300 dinars in his wallet, which they took and shared among themselves. They hid the bicycle Slavoljub was riding in the bushes, planning to return later and steal it, but the police prevented them.

When the body was found, Slavoljub was initially thought to have been hit by a vehicle, but an investigation soon established that he had been killed.

He left a wife and a son.

His fingerprints betrayed him

Nebojsa’s fingerprints were found on the bike, and he tried to justify himself in front of the police, saying that the fingerprints stayed because he was showing Slavoljub in Petrovac how to change gears. The police did not believe him in that story, but arrested him immediately.

The killers have already been convicted of robbery and violence

The first defendant Nebojsa has already been convicted of robbery for five years and a month, as well as several times for aggravated theft and larceny, while his friend Malisa has been convicted of domestic violence.
