Life has taught me the hard way what is valuable, the shocking message from the father of the murdered Miloš after the trial!


WHEN YOU LOSE A CHILD, ALL IS NOTHING: Life has taught me the hard way what is valuable, the shocking message from the father of the murdered Miloš after the trial!

Photo: Private Archive / Screen Printed Telegraph

The trial, which continued today, showed five images from security cameras. For four, the suspect Nedjeljko declared that he was not in them. For just one, the last shot from the store, he admitted it was him.

The father of the murdered Mileusnić, Goran, was asked how he felt, while Nedjeljko claimed he was not on the recordings.

– How you feel? You have no feelings, you are totally insensitive to such nonsense. The worst thing is knowing that my son is gone, it is an irreversible process. A hundred times I thought he had lost his leg, his arm … Only that he was alive. You look after the people, who have disabled children and are fighting, but again it is like that, but only again that it is there, but it is not worth it … – said Telegraf’s unhappy father.

photo: Private archive

According to the father, whose son was cruelly taken away, the man enters another world.

– You look at the people around you, you see that life goes on and everyone should be happy to be alive and appreciate life, but what I’m talking about should support both the judiciary and the entire system, and that is life is the most important thing. No cars, no money, no apartments … Everything is nothing. I understood that the hard way, I didn’t even want to understand … You’re constantly chasing money, work, yet life has taught me the hard way what it’s worth. What to do? My message to people is to appreciate life and that life is beautiful and that it is the most valuable thing we have, said Goran Mileusnić.

He explained that as far as he was concerned, the case was clear and pointed out that it was inconvenient that the cameras were not professional, so the face could not be zoomed in.

– A video shows a person moving a knife from left to right, and it is a common kitchen knife. And on the left leg, below the knee, there is a poster. Normally, the defendant did not admit that it was him. The video in which he admits he is, is when he walks into the store and you can see a mark on his tracksuit at the entrance, so if he admitted it was him, then he is in the other video as well, Mileusnić said.

photo: Print screen

Goran pointed out that the defendant did not want to admit that he was in the recordings and said that from the beginning it was seen that they were going to say that someone else did it.

– They use all kinds of tricks, lies … What are you going to do, you have to endure that torture … The defense continues saying that they let him touch the knife when he found out where it was – said Goran Mileusnić.

Let us remind you that, last January, Djurovic stabbed the student Mileusnic to death in front of the building on Dimitrija Tucovica street in Belgrade. He, after a supposedly spent night on social media, dissatisfied with his life, went out into the street early in the morning and stabbed Miloš to death when he saw him for the first time. Mileusnić was killed in front of the building in which he lived.

Private archive photo / Telegraph silkscreen

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