LIFE AT A DISTANCE! 10 things that were turned upside down due to the crown, and WE STILL USE US


The pandemic has changed our lives 180 degrees, both corporately and privately. We have learned to live “remotely”, to resort to online work, learn, exercise, socialize …


Even during the first wave, practically with the introduction of the state of emergency, all those whose work allowed them to switch to working from home. The vast majority of companies have moved employees from offices to their homes, where bedrooms, hallways, and even kitchens have been converted into mini-offices.

Fewer employees spent virtually all of 2020 in this mode of work, while significantly more returned to work from home in late November, when the peak of the third wave of the crown began.


Somehow, at the time of the biggest Serbian celebrations, in late 2020, the main blow of the corona virus followed. The doctors asked that the celebrations be held in the smallest number possible, in the circle of the closest family, to avoid the spread of the infection.

Resourceful people who wanted to stay in touch with family and friends organized online groups … There were even hosts who previously sent savory and sweet specialties to “guests.”


At a time when stores, markets, shopping centers were completely closed, or when it was difficult to reach them, citizens were forced to resort to online shopping.

In this way, groceries were ordered from supermarkets, daily meals from restaurants, coffee and cigars from nearby kiosks, and at a time when all green markets were closed, including fruits, vegetables, cheese, eggs … and directly to the manufacturer. through the so-called online market.

Photo: M. Ilić / RAS Serbia

Additionally, citizens have increasingly decided to pay their bills online rather than wait in lines.


For months, theaters in Serbia were completely closed and the situation was especially critical during the state of emergency and curfew.

At the time of the greatest crisis, the artists decided to help people at least a little bit and divert the thinking of citizens from the problems they are facing, which is why many theaters organized online performances.

And it turned out that they were also watched.


Practically from the start of the coronavirus epidemic until today, many online meetings have been organized. Regardless of its different characters.

The most numerous were undoubtedly the employers, who even brought together employees from neighboring offices, but also those who worked from home. In this way, the teachers of some schools communicated with the mothers and fathers of the students through real meetings of parents online, and there were also meetings of a loving nature.

Especially among teenagers.


At a time when it was necessary to avoid going to cafes, coffee shops or restaurants, as well as mass rallies, and especially during a state of emergency and curfew, the only way to have some kind of social life was to socialize through social networks.

In this way, connections were maintained between friends, but also with grandparents who were prohibited from leaving the house for months during the first wave. Be it one-on-one conversation or legible group formation and real mini parties online.


During the state of emergency and the curfew, during April and May, the citizens of Serbia were practically locked in their houses, between four walls.

Photo: Tanjug / AP

Professional athletes, amateurs, but also ordinary recreational athletes managed to exercise at home to some extent anyway. One independently and the other through online training, independent or collective, directed by trainers through computers or mobile phones.


They say we shouldn’t “treat ourselves through Dr. Google,” but amid the biggest corona virus epidemic, doctors could help citizens even online. Especially for those who had problems not related to kovid.

Doctors may not have been able to examine the patient, but they could have given advice at any time and even corrected therapies based on the analysis.

Some of the doctors even offered users free services.


Due to the ban on mass gatherings, practically no major concerts were held throughout the year, either outdoors or indoors.

The musicians managed as they knew how, and many of them organized well-attended online concerts, much to the delight of many fans.

Some concerts were also for humanitarian purposes.


While the impact for employees was working from home, such a big change for students was the transition to online classes.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Primary and secondary students began listening to the classes on small screens in late March and did not return to school practically until the end of the last school year. Some types of regular classes started on September 1, most students went to school for a week and then worked from home for a week, so that by mid-November all except the youngest students in the elementary school (first to fourth grade) online teaching.

Of course, there were many problems: from insufficient technical equipment and training of both students and teachers, (dis) interest from both sides, different systems implemented by schools …
