Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Milan Jovanović explained how to win the crown



22.11.2020. 19:34


Photo: AP Photo / Jae C. Hong, file

Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Milan Jovanovic, surgeon and head of the Emergency Center of the Military Medical Academy, which has a triage center for several months, where more than 61,000 patients were examined, says that if we have a temperature higher than 37 degrees centigrade, we should not think that it is a common cold. call a doctor.

Do you follow the measures against the corona virus?

– It is good that people always think that it is a crown, because even if it is not, it will be easy for the rest, the virus is easier to cure at first. So let’s solve what is most difficult, not only for ourselves but also for those around us. The advice is that if you have some symptoms and doubts, don’t be difficult, isolate yourself a little from your parents, brother, sister … Wait a few days, and if your condition improves, much better – said Jovanović, who is the winner Medals Merit Silver Awards, presented by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić on the Day of Reconciliation on November 11 this year.

Dr. Jovanović was educated in Switzerland and America and, as he said, appreciates Western medicine, but to get rid of the pandemic of this virus it is necessary to follow the example of the countries that fought it.

Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Milan Jovanovic

Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Milan Jovanovic, Photo: Printscreen / Pink

– Right now, the results are important. The country that managed to fight for the crown is China, and not with revolutionary drugs, not with some special medical technique, but with discipline. We will fight only if we are disciplined, there is still no magic cure. First of all, wear a mask, don’t trust your friends, anyone … because there may be at least one infected person in each family. Don’t blame yourself, but if you don’t feel well and feel the symptoms of the virus, seek treatment, Dr. Jovanović said.

He also emphasized that the Military Medical Academy provided all patients who needed emergency medical attention and that citizens do not have to be afraid.

– Here we had a patient who had appendicitis, there was a possibility that he had a crown, but we, in accordance with all security measures, gave the patient the necessary help. The surgical team took all the necessary protective measures and we performed the operation. It wasn’t until the next day that we shipped it. So we don’t allow our patients to die from other illnesses due to covid infection, said Lt. Col., assistant surgeon Dr. Milan Jovanović, who visited Pink this morning.

According to him, they performed more than 21,000 serological tests at their triage center and now have rapid antigen tests that detect infection within the first five days of its onset.
