
Inhumans, comrades! What a shame, colleagues!

Did you have to do it today? So what today? Couldn’t you wait a day for Milorad Vučelić to recover, while he survives, to be able to answer you? What can correspond? This way, while on a respirator, you can’t!

When you attack someone, former colleagues, like this, it’s time, humanly, to give them a chance to respond. Milorad Vučelić doesn’t have that opportunity now. You know, when you are on a respirator then you are fighting for your life, your life, and you cannot deal with this kind of shame.

I have no need to go into the story tonight of whether Milorad Vučelić is a servant of the regime, as you wrote today. Nor is it an issue now, as Milorad Vučelić is lying on his respirator and fighting for his life. The only thing I know is that it is a shame to attack him now, as it is a shame to take a stick and hit someone weaker than yourself, just as it is a shame to laugh at a sick person, as it is a shame to be infected by other people’s problems. That’s what it’s about, former colleagues.

And yes, I am not friends with Vucelic, nor do I owe him anything, nor does he owe me anything. Here I am talking about humanity and morality, the basic one, which tells us that what you are doing is a sin of God and a shame of the people. I spoke to Vučelić only once on the phone, then this summer when I asked him to help our colleague, who also had a crown, when it also came to life and death. No help helped, and he didn’t have to!

Tonight, when I read this shame of yours, I spoke to some of my colleagues, they say that tonight, this afternoon, while a colleague is on a respirator, they don’t care if Vučelić is a servant of the regime, which is simply not an issue, but they know when. I called him and asked him to help him! Never remain without helping the weak or sick, as he knows and can.

And that’s why they say more.

And, once again, the question, why today such a text, former colleagues, why so much shame? So Vučelić is also a servant of the regime, and that he robbed the Empire State Building and transferred it to his courtyard, that he is the greatest criminal, that he massacred and killed, why that text today? Why are you muddying it today? Couldn’t wait a few days? At least until tomorrow, until the news that he is better …

I see you are quoting Miloš Vasić and his text on Vučelić published in “Vreme” in 2005. So Vasić wrote, and there is no dispute about it, but you don’t see the main difference. Vasic wrote that in 2005, when Vucelic was not on a respirator and when he could respond to him. That’s the difference, former colleagues. And, this is not about Vucelic, nor will I call him my godfather, it is about principles, a little bit of morals, a little bit of shame.

So much for me, about humanity and that basic Christian feeling, if there is anything left in us. If not, write what you want tomorrow.

Only it is dangerous when a person does not know how to be ashamed!


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