LETTER FROM LONČAR AND DANA GRUJIČIĆ A ĐILAS AND BAJEC: Gamma Knife in Turkey or How It Destroyed Medical Care


Hello Bajec, what is the best way to destroy our healthcare?

Come on Dragana, let’s send everything to Turkey for treatment and pay from our budget …

It was in 2009 when Serbia started sending our citizens to the Gamma Knife in Turkish clinics at the expense of the RHIF.

Doctors in Serbia in disbelief, waiting for specializations they cannot obtain, collecting money to pay to get a job in a health institution, watched in disbelief as Dragan and Joe fill up the accounts of Turkish clinics, as our institutions disintegrate and the patients bring the thread themselves. for surgery, gauze and bandages. More than four million euros from the Serbian budget was spent for the Gamma scalpel in Turkey. In three years, around 720 of our citizens were treated for the indicated amount.

All that changed on November 2, 2015, when the first Gamma knife in Serbia started operating at KCS, it paid exactly the same amount of money that was left in Turkish private clinics in Dragan and Joe’s time. In the first year of operation of the Gamma Knife in Serbia alone, 800 patients were treated. If someone missed it, in three years in the Turkish clinics, 720 of our citizens for more than 4 million euros, and in one year in our clinic, with our doctors and nurses, 800 of our citizens. It is indisputable that Dragan sees a vested interest in every “concern” for the citizens of Serbia, and is taught to incorporate 100, 200 and even 300 percent in every job. Through his goggles, he only sees numbers and jobs that were only possible in and in Joe’s time. The citizens of Serbia know very well, and Dragan and his partner who pays taxes in Luxembourg must be informed, that the full investment in the acquisition and commissioning of the turnkey Gamma Knife and X-Knife totaled 12 million euros. . We believe that Dragan and the Luxembourg taxpayer, if they had the opportunity, would have paid just that amount with a Gamma knife, but with the money of the citizens of Serbia. YX knife at least twice. If only they had the chance … Dragan Đilas, all of the above is the reason why your people in Serbia will not see it, because you and your partners, even in sick people, see the opportunity for easy income. Kind regards, Prof. Dr. Danica Grujicic
Dr. Zlatibor Loncar

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