Letter from Aida Ćorović to Mahmutović: Former friend, behave like a man


The journalist and activist Aida Ćorović sent a public letter to the director of the Novi Pazar hospital, Meh Mahmutović, calling him a former friend, asking him to resign from this position and “behave like a man”.

“I can’t help but wonder what has happened to you in the last few years. When I met you, several decades have passed, I met a nice, very dedicated doctor, a pediatrician, who loved his job and who is committed to taking care of the health of children. .. I know how you fought and managed to renovate the children’s rooms that were in a catastrophic state for years, and I remember very well that on one occasion, when you were entering active political life, I jokingly told you that “You are careful not to become another good doctor who has become a bad politician. Unfortunately, my joke came true to the point that I couldn’t believe it came true, “he said in the letter.

Thousands of doctors around the world have sought and are seeking answers, connecting, communicating with each other, exchanging experiences and participating in global efforts to solve the coronavirus problem that has affected all of humanity, he writes.

“In that examination, you, Dr. Mahmutović, fell like a pear, tripped over your own helplessness and helplessness, allowed fear and panic to swallow you like a river eddy,” he says.

“I wonder even more why an apparently successful man and expert in his profession decided to dedicate himself to politics and become a politician, an easy chair and a coward, an ignorant general and invertebrate who crawls in front of the powerful, and is arrogant and arrogant with the weak “. she asked.

Ćorović asked Mahmutović why he was hiding the number of patients.

“What wrong connection occurred in your head and your heart many years before, and during this summer it culminated in the most brutal way? Why did you keep silent about the catastrophic situation at the Novi Pazar General Hospital, which you head? Why hid the actual number of patients? Why? ” “Didn’t you respond to calls from the media across the country? Why didn’t you support your colleagues and rally and cheer on your team in the battle ahead?” He asked.

He accused Mahmutović of allowing “his” hospital to have no basic means to work, that surgeons carry garbage bags instead of coats, that each of his colleagues clings to masks and gloves as he knows.

“You allowed there to be no hygiene items, no equipment, no bedding, no pillows, no beds. But much more than the lack of things, you allowed yourself to lose people, push them into the fire with your foot and hide in your office”, added. is.

He also stated that he decided to speak, he said, that he is solely responsible for why Novi Pazar, five years ago, did not receive a donation of 3 and a half million euros from the Luxembourg government.

“I decided to complete an unpleasant picture of how and how much you care about the community, Dr. Mahmutovic. Namely, Novi Pazar, during the Sulejman Ugljanin government, managed to provide a donation of approximately 7 million euros from the Development Agency of Luxembourg and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs “After this donation, a donation of another 4 and a half million euros was pressed, which was determined for the reconstruction of the Novi Pazar water supply network,” he said.

He also said that he could follow the realization of that project first-hand.

In order to achieve the maximum result for the money Novi Pazar received, I agreed to be the pro bono Chairman of the Board of JKP “Vodovod i kanalizacija”. I was not nominated for this position because of hydraulic engineering knowledge, but knowledge in the field of public relations and marketing, as well as my valuable contacts with people who became Jedi in the field. The idea and the plan was to inform the general public about the fact that “water production” is not free, that maintenance of the water system costs and that charging for water should become a practice. “

“As the campaign heated up, as my associates and I began to engage hundreds of children in the history of water conservation, how a new visual identity for the waterworks was built, and eventually how the new facilities grew. , my partner and our donor representative prepared a proposal for new work stages that would bring another 3 and a half million euros to our city, which would be invested in modernizing the water chlorination process and its distribution in the city. communication with you intensify, we realized when it began to openly undermine activities that were designed to be managed by the city and to make known to all councilors the realization of the project.

“The campaign was supposed to end with a large public event where citizens would be better and more familiar with the drinking water production process, but also with their signature that the local government will help the waterworks to raise the level of consumption All of this would result in a new donation and Unfortunately, you refused to sign this, not even too binding a paper, and the result was logical: the ongoing project was completed, the campaign was stopped, the decision makers of the city ​​were left without information, the public was never informed about the infamous end of the project, and the money already provided never reached Novi Pazar, so our city forever lost the opportunity to receive, neither a loan, nor a loan, but a significant donation from such an important international partner. Thank you dear Dr. Mahmutovic! “

She finally asked him to quit.

“You are wasting money and sinecures, you are wasting your connections to this ugly and deeply disturbed government, you are wasting everything when you are not allowed to walk through your city with your head held high. Little soul, when you do not see the interest of the whole city, citizens, especially children for her, your personal letter and your own interest … You and your children will live in a city where you will always be followed by the contempt of your colleagues and the hatred of fellow citizens, “he said .

He also asked him that all this “defending as personal gain was worth so much humiliation, so much suffering and so much contempt.”

“Can a director’s chair make him feel accepted and appreciated? Can the power he only seemingly has be replaced by a good and complex team, where they are not wolves with each other, but associates, colleagues and support and where only then they can do their blood, I work too hard, and so human Can any money, old friend, fill your soul and make you feel calm, content and reconciled with yourself and with the environment in which you live?

She told him to “behave like a man.”

“And if you ask me, even as a former friend, if you want to redeem yourself at least to some extent and give yourself a little peace and get a piece of your cheek back, resign, act like a man: if your colleagues don’t like you, if the citizens They spit on you and scold you, if your teammates despise you, then it’s time to take refuge. Nothing under the cap of heaven lasts forever, so your director’s chair, which you hold so tightly, won’t do it, it’s better to go alone and, more or less, with his head held high, that “It is up to you to decide and find out if there is a bit of human left in you,” he concluded.
