“Let’s send my Minja to receive the INFUSION OF LIFE” (VIDEO)


Minjina Mom looks at the autumn days and imagines herself with her daughter on the streets covered in October leaves. Then imagine what could go wrong, then what could be the solution. He imagines his son in the place of Sofia and Lana, for which 2.1 million euros were raised, which is the price of the drug in which they believe.

On the Instagram page For Minja’s opportunity, she wrote what is in her soul in the painful video description of her fragile beauty as she grows up, “Telegraf” reports.

– Have you taken your son out these days? They let him run among the yellow leaves, they gathered chestnuts with him … Instead of autumnal spells, my Minja has an autumn colored inhaler on her face … I want to take her outside, to breathe fresh air, to redden her nose. But his nose should not be red, his lungs do not have the strength to carry out even a common cold … When we go out to the patio (because we cannot go any further from home), his lungs immediately become clogged with secretions as if to say: “Hey, if you do more, a few steps, the disease will progress!” If we don’t rush to take the medicine, the next thing the disease will take may be an act of swallowing … You can get pneumonia … You can … I won’t even say it.

I would like to send you the right to heat treatment from your home, I would like to be able to avoid going to the hospital because that means that your condition has been complicated … and that your illness has led to something else. Please we have come a long way, we have shown with Sofia and Lana that we can, please send my Minja as soon as possible, to receive the infusion of life as soon as possible, before it is too late for anything. I am eternally grateful for everything and I think you will help us make Minja the winner – she said.

Minja was born on October 6, 2019. No one could have guessed something was wrong. Parents noticed that Minja gradually stopped moving her legs and arms, had difficulty breathing, and ate less. They immediately sought help. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a rare and extremely serious neuromuscular disease: spinal muscular atrophy, type 1, for the treatment of which should be raised $ 2.4 million.

The disease is associated with a mutation in a gene and is manifested by the loss of basic life functions, such as walking, digesting, swallowing and breathing. It does not affect the brain or cognitive functions.

Let’s help Minja!

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