Let’s not drown Belgrade: with the declaration on the Old Sava Bridge, Šapić is recommended to the regime – Politics


With the latest statement that the Old Sava Bridge is a mockery that must be eliminated, Aleksandar Šapić shows his true face as a progressive henchman and once again recommended to the ruling regime for the highest state functions, the civil initiative Let’s Not Drown Belgrade evaluated tonight.

Let's not drown Belgrade: with the declaration on the Old Sava Bridge, Šapić is recommended to regime 1Assembly photo: Let’s not drown Belgrade

Previously, Aleksandar Šapić stated on the Nova S “Review of the Day” program that he was in favor of mounting the Sava bridge and making a new one in its place.

“It should stay in that place, but not on that bridge. I am in favor of taking this mockery of the bridge, where there is no man who has not punctured tires at least five times, a bridge that cannot accommodate the number of cars at the 1950 level. , a bridge that you don’t know when you cross it will crash or make more noise, “said Šapić.

He said he supports the city of Belgrade’s plan to build a new bridge, which will connect New Belgrade.

“It will be used to enter the tunnel. I saw that plan. It should come out on November 29 and completely change the Belgrade traffic landscape.” Belgrade is developing so much that a much more functional bridge is needed, “Sapic said.

He claimed that the Sava Bridge, when it was built, had no value, neither cultural nor historical.

“It was a steel bridge built by the Germans to transfer heavy weapons. It is true that the old master removed the mines, not because he was bored and because the bridge was beautiful, but because he could not cross to the other side of the river. Due to a combination of unfortunate circumstances, that bridge survived for 80 years and we are lucky to have removed it earlier, “Šapić said.

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