Let’s not drown Belgrade: Vesić will resign


The Let’s Not Drowning in Belgrade Initiative (NDM BGD) instructed Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić, in addition to his idea of ​​planting trees, which he rated as good, to accept the request in full and take responsibility for the catastrophic destruction of the city, to resign and be available to judicial authorities. said the NGO.

They sent a map to the city services with more than 300 locations of dry trees in Belgrade, hoping that the trees would be replaced, and instead of the reaction of the institutions, which would act according to this request, Vesić made a promise in the media that replacement is already in the plan and that the City has already planted 767 trees.

We wish we could trust a man who has misled the public so many times in the past, NDM BGD notes, recalling that Vesić promised a million new trees in Belgrade in January, while air pollution protests raged on the streets.

According to the NDM BGD, such a spread with unrealistic figures and megalomaniac promises only serves to mislead the public, while in reality the number of green areas and the number of trees is rapidly decreasing.

Instead of promises, manipulations, and lies from corrupt politicians shielding eligible investors from exploiting our public and natural assets, we expect the institutions in charge to simply do their job and protect the public interest, the NGO said.
