Let’s not drown Belgrade: the government plans a new deforestation in the capital


The “Let’s not drown Belgrade” initiative warned the public that the city government plans to allow further deforestation in Belgrade in the area of ​​the protective forest belt along the Belgrade-Zagreb highway, near the “Zmaj” gas station.

“Although, according to higher-order plans, this area is protected and intended for public green areas and natural retention, the city authorities are preparing its conversion into a commercial construction area,” the Initiative said in a statement. .

This time, four hectares of forest along the road are under attack.

“Let’s not drown Belgrade” will object to Detailed regulatory plan for the “Auto-put” economic zone area in New Belgrade, Zemun and Surcin for block 26, demanding that the planned conversion of forests and forest lands be abandoned.

“We see this, as well as the plan to cut down almost 30 hectares of forest in Kosutnjak, as a call to mobilize citizens to prevent irreversible damage to the environment and natural assets of Belgrade. We are witnessing the widespread looting of our parks, riversides, rivers or forests that the government wants to convert into commercial land and thus enable the profits of nearby investors ”, they point out.
