“LET’S GO IN THE DIRECTION OF MORE STRICT MEASURES” Ruzic on the measures discussed in the Crisis Staff and why CONTINUE CONTINUES ONLINE for the lower grades of primary school


The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Branko Ružić, said that on Monday proposals were presented for the introduction of stricter measures in the Crisis Personnel session for the fight against the crown, adding that he hoped this would be a new state decision.

– We had several proposals and recommendations in the Crisis Staff session, which will be summarized in writing and presented to Prime Minister Ana Brnabić as an official recommendation. The proposals go in the direction of even stricter measures, Ruzic told TV Vojvodina last night.

According to him, the situation is alarming and the “absorptive capacity” of hospitals is declining, not because of a lack of capacity, but because, “as he understood it”, around 10 percent of health workers are infected.

– Certainly, this recommendation from the health part of the crisis personnel should be translated into the decision of the Government of Serbia in, I suppose, in the form of stricter measures, taking into account the figures we receive – said the Minister.

“Online teaching is not closing schools”

Speaking about the implementation of measures in schools, he emphasized that the transition to online teaching does not mean the closure of schools, noting that the educational process will not stop.

– Based on the recommendations of the health part of the Crisis Staff, we approved said Decree due to the general epidemiological situation of society. If we look at the situation in the education system, it is not alarming, but it is not problematic, so it does not indicate the need to do something like that – Ruzic said.

Commenting on demands by some unions to introduce online teaching for the lower grades of primary school, he said he was against it.

– When it comes to teaching from first to fourth grade, it is mainly an assessment of the teaching profession, taking into account the epidemiological situation, we know that there is the least transmission of the virus. Elementary literacy, work habits, are acquired at an early age – said the Minister.

Commenting on the case in the vicinity of Kladovo, where the principal of the primary school punished the teacher because the children shook hands in the yard, he said that the inspection was there and that a report would be released tomorrow, but, as he added , “if that was the problem then it does not exist” and that decision will not exist.
