LET’S FIND OUT WHO THE NEW CANDIDATES FOR GOVERNMENT ARE! Toma Momirović could be Minister of Economy, looking for a PLACE for DARIJA KISIĆ


Tomislav Momirović, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mona Hotel Management, is the most serious candidate for the post of Finance Minister, a position is being sought for Darija Kisić Tepavčević and a few more surprises await us, the “Blic” meeting.

Serbia will soon gain a new executive power and, as “Blic” finds out, there will be more new people in the future government. Most likely, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will remain in that post. “Blic” brings an article on who are the main candidates for key positions in the Government, what the bazaar is talking about and what politicians whisper.

– All these are just rumors, the only one who knows for sure how things are is President Vučić, but he has not declared himself until today – says the source of “Blic” from the top of the government.

Our interlocutor points out that Vučić avoids talking about new ministers, even with his closest collaborators.

As “Blic” already wrote, Vučić is being pressured by coalition partners, people from his party, but also by foreign factors who have their favorites or individuals calling foreigners.

– All the small coalition partners believe they deserve to have a portfolio: Nenad Popović, Vulin, SDPS, PUPS and even the Karić Movement of Serbian Forces – stated our source.

Furthermore, it is difficult for progressives to accept experts and people “from the sidelines.”

– The principle prevails in a foreign country: only that the minister is a progressive, even if it is not the best solution for a function. They find it difficult to accept anyone who comes from the bench. The same thing happened with Ana Brnabić in due time, but in the meantime she tested herself and signed the SNS membership card – says the source of “Blic”.

Ana BrnabićPhoto: Nikola Andjic / Tanjug

Ana Brnabić

The pressures that most infuriate Vučić are those with ties to foreigners and foreign embassies. Some have even said that they have the personal support of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and one said that he has the support of Richard Grenel to be prime minister.

– That’s not a smart tactic, because it hardly ever works for Vučić – says the same source.

Recently, information appeared in the media that Marko Blagojevic, the head of the Office of Public Investment Management, might be a minister, but as we learned, he himself said he was not interested.
