Podgorica – Montenegrin President Milo Đukanovi says he is surprised by today’s reaction of the administrator of the Metropolitanate de Montenegro y el Litoral, Joaniki, to his interview.
Source: Tanjug

In that interview, Ukanov spoke about the conversations with Metropolitan Amfilohije, noting that Joanikije did not participate in those talks nor was she allowed to attend them.
“For that reason, he talks about something that he does not know, and cannot know, of what he was not doing then or now. He did not live up to the role that suddenly fell on him, with a political and street rhetoric, unworthy of nobody, much less a bishop. ” Đukanovi said.
As announced from his cabinet, he added that it is quite clear that Joaniki’s publicity, “although merciful for a few days, is pointless”, unless it aims, as Djukanov puts it, “an even stronger penetration into the scene. Montenegrin politics, where he obviously feels better. ”
“His rhetoric and the ‘credibility’ of his claims speak best for himself,” Djukanov added.
The Bishop of Budva-Nikiki and the administrator of the Metropolitanate de Montenegro-Primorje, Joanikije, said today, in reaction to a recent interview with the President of Montenegro, that Djukanov “misunderstood that the establishment of the Episcopal Council in 2006 was a step towards the separation of the Church in Montenegro “.
As announced from the Metropolitanate de Montenegro y el Litoral, Joanikije also stated that Đukanovi did not understand that the first duty of that Council was to preserve the unity of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
In reaction to Djukanovic’s statement that he had argued with the late Metropolitan Amfilohije immediately after the 2006 independence referendum that the Church in Montenegro was called “Orthodox”, without a national sign, and that the idea was not rejected at first, Joanikije said that by proposing the establishment of the Council, Amfilohije contributed significantly to the unity of the church.
He says that it was possible to speak freely with the metropolitan Amfilohije on various topics, but not on the schism and separation from the throne of Saint Sava.
“Never and never,” Joanikije said.