Leskovac is the first in terms of the number of infected, “Jura” is a local hot spot


The number of patients at the Kovid hospital in Leskovac should never be reduced. As the number of people tested increases, so does the number of positive and hospitalized people. According to the last section, yesterday at 7 o’clock in the morning, there were 144 patients, 10 new ones were admitted and 38 were discharged with a negative test.

“I estimate that there will be around 125 maximum 130 patients during the day, depending on the amount of data we have on the number of analyzed. We tested 30 of our patients today and we are waiting for the results of another seven, if the negatives are published today, “says Dr. Nebojsa Dimitrijevic. Director of the Leskovac General Hospital.

The pressure on the Kovid hospital that is not Leskovac, that is, on the doctors and medical personnel, would be significantly less if the headquarters of the Republic allowed Leskovac to have temporary hospitals as the “President” in Nis, but this has not been discussed so far. The local government was ready and prepared the rooms in the student dormitory.

The first infected worker in “Jura” was registered on April 4. From then until today, “Jura” is a local epidemiological access point. There are now 32 “Jure” workers at the Kovid hospital in Leskovac, and 200 of them will be evaluated. “Jura” works with reduced capacity, and what is important, all infected workers generally have a mild clinical picture.

“Due to the expanded tests, the first contacts are now being placed in self-isolation, and the others are being tested, and that is the difference between the measures at the beginning of the epidemic and now,” explains Aleksandra Nikolić, director of the Institute of Health. Leskovac Public.

As for the number of people infected, Leskovac was the first city in Serbia in the past two days. However, that number is less than five estimates per day, so from tomorrow, the city administration and the preschool will begin to work at full capacity.

“There can be a maximum of two people in the office, the social distance between people who are workers and people who need the services of the city of Leskovac,” says Goran Cvetanović, the mayor of Leskovac.

“The new thing is that now we will put emphasis on providing physical distance between the children, so that the number of children in the group is less,” adds Jasmina Andjelković Đorđević, director of the preschool institution.

Epidemiologists point out that the number of people infected in Leskovac will decrease in the next seven days, and that they will then reach an average across Serbia.
