LEFT A LETTER AND JUMPED TO THE DANUBE: She had a shorter leg, her classmates called her Ćopava and tortured her


With these words in a letter to her parents, a girl from the outskirts of Sombor ended her life in 2016, all because of peer violence.

He had a shorter leg. Thus it was marked for life. But too short. Her classmates called her “Lame Maja”. She was bullied at school. They told her she smelled, that she was ugly, they beat her … She shortened her suffering by committing suicide.

– They keep telling me I suck. Tomorrow they will tell me again how ugly I am. I don’t want them to be mean to anyone. I can’t stand injustice – Maja thought and wrote everything:

– I’m not strong enough to go on like this. And nobody cares how I feel. God, don’t let me suffer so much. No one should suffer like this, and no one is obligated to hurt him like this. I don’t want you to laugh at me.

Maja’s story has been turned into a movie. It was shown today at the tribune on child safety on the Internet in Sremska Mitrovica, organized by the “Tijana Jurić” Foundation.

Going to school was not the best time for her.

“You could take a bath, Mayo,” they yelled at him.

On vacation, they would throw the ball into a dirty bar, then shoot it and laugh at it because it was dirty. All this was recorded by his classmates on the phone.

They created a group on the viber “Ćopava Maja”, uploaded recordings of who was harassing her the most and competed. Were evaluated.

He couldn’t take it anymore.

– Mom, dad, you’ll be fine. Do not be angry with me. i love you I couldn’t do it anymore, forever your Maja: he wrote a letter, hung it on the bridge and jumped into the Danube.

She drowned. The police found his diary in which he wrote everything and found out what was happening to him.

When they went to her class, as Igor Jurić, the founder of the “Tijana Jurić” Foundation, said, and asked why they were like this with her, they said they were joking:

– I was in that class later. Everyone was crying when I released this movie.


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