LEARNED SERBIAN, BUY A HOUSE AND FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE Belgian neo-Nazis and pedophiles tried by all means to HIDE IN SERBIA


The neo-Nazi and pedophile Eric Lamers, who was arrested on October 7 in the vicinity of Kragujevac on an Interpol warrant for crimes in his native Belgium, lived in the town of Veliko Krcmare for a long time and, judging by the history of his acquaintances, tried by all means to adapt to life. town, probably to stay under the police radar for as long as possible.

Blic reporters visited the village of Veliko Krcmare near Kragujevac, where they spoke with Lamers’ neighbors. Although the media characterized him for his crimes in Belgium as a dangerous criminal, thief and pedophile, his Serbian neighbors were shocked by the arrest, especially his acquaintance Trajko Vasiljevic.

Veliko KrčmarePhoto: Goran Šapić / RAS Serbia

Veliko Krčmare

As he told us, Lamers bought a country house in Veliki Krčmar for 10,000 euros, and previously he lived in Kragujevac. He also opened a private business with regular papers, and even received some form of social assistance for which he regularly went to Belgium, neighbors say.

– I don’t know what he did in Belgium and if he had problems with the law there, but here he did everything legally. The man constantly denounced the police as a foreigner to regulate his stay. He also has an accountant who ran the business of his company for the production of kayaks, which he exported to Belgium, and also regulated all the procedures for the company that was supposed to produce honey here and export it to Belgium – says our interlocutor.

That Lamers wanted to please his surroundings is also demonstrated by the fact that he did not hide from them that he was in a Serbian prison, where he learned the Serbian language, but also that he often helped them with daily tasks.

– Since he came here, he has adapted and was a real host. Here, before the arrest, the man provided firewood for the winter, says Trajko, while his son Ivan adds that the seller tricked Lamars into having a well with water next to the house, for which the arrested was forced to constantly bring a cistern to have water for life.

– Whenever someone from the town helped him, he tried to pay for it. He wasn’t rich, but he made sure he didn’t owe anyone anything. If it happened that he did not pay, as soon as he brought money from Belgium, he would pay off his debts, says Ivan, adding that no one like Lamars helped him in relation to his mother who suffers from epilepsy.

He adds that “he doesn’t care what it is” because it helped him and he can’t forget that.

Erik lamersPhoto: Raf Raf / youtube

Erik lamers

According to the locals, the Belgian did not even bother to bring his family members to the village, so the neighbors saw his father and wife.

– Lamars wife used to come here in previous years. She is of Moroccan descent. They planned for her to move in with him soon. They also did not live together in Belgium. They have no children – says our interlocutor.

“He used to come for a beer once a month.”

At the local cafe, we were told that Lamars used to stop by for a beer once a month.

Eric Lamers' house in the village of Veliko KrčmarePhoto: Goran Šapić / RAS Serbia

Eric Lamers’ house in the village of Veliko Krčmare

– A month before the arrest, he and a neighbor helped me with the firewood. They didn’t charge me anything. I invited them to lunch – says the owner of the café Milijana and points out that for her it is incomprehensible that she has a bad past.

– My dog ​​Buddy recognized when someone was a bad man, and loved Lamars – says and adds that the arrested used to play billiards in the pub, but also that he went to Kragujevac to play it.

“I was planning a serious job”

All our interlocutors point out that Lamars was planning a serious business with the export of honey to Belgium, and he himself had more than 20 hives that the “Blic” team saw behind his house. He, as they say, received a certificate of quality necessary for export.

Eric Lamers carPhoto: Goran Šapić / RAS Serbia

Eric Lamers car

– He received the visit of all the inspectors who are in charge of issuing permits – they affirm and add that he was supposed to employ several locals in that beekeeping.

– He collaborated with a man from Rača – they add.

He went to Belgium in search of social assistance.

What confuses Trajka, but also other residents of Veliki Krčmar, is how an arrest warrant was issued for Lamers, who regularly went to his homeland and collected some kind of social assistance there.

– I constantly had to go there and report to receive 850-900 euros of aid, because if I did not call once a month, they would cancel your aid. In addition, he received between 200 and 300 euros from the books he wrote – says Trajko, and when asked what books are he replies: “Some autobiographical.
