LEADERSHIP OF BISHOPS QUERUBES: Inappropriate chauvinist attacks against Serbia and President Vučić


The request of Bishop Cherubim, who is enthroned in Vukovar, has a starting point in Christian virtue and love of neighbor, he noted.

– Here we would refer to the constant attacks by the media and the chauvinistwhat an approach to the fatherostrich hug usavi, the Republic of Serbia, and its current policy and political leadership, as well as its president Vučić, whoare not appropriate and do not contribute to improvementgood neighborly relations. We must bear in mind that we are all citizens of the world and that we are Christians who We have in commonwhat enemy in the form of a virus that knows no borders, the color of the skineo nationality. The evangelist Matthew testifies to the words of the Lord himself, who says that all the commandments of the Old Testament are summarized in two commandments, and it is to love God and neighbor. Here we can ask the question as in the story of the Good Samaritan.: Who is my neighbor ?, We return to the same answer, and that is the man who shows mercy and who respects us as we are – said the bishop.

He points out that if we show hatred instead of love, we must be aware that hatred breeds sin, which leads to ruin and certain death.

– All the Old Testament prophets warned about these consequences, who had a clear idea, if we walk the path without God and condemn others, we follow the path of ruin, but if we repent and show love and mercy to God already people, we are blessed and saved – he pointed out. Monsignor Querubines.

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