LAZANSKI REVEALS: Who has a better chance of winning: Azerbaijan or Armenia?


– We have large combat systems of Soviet and Russian origin and of course Russian technical experts, officers, engineers are needed who can maintain the equipment, see what state it is in and possibly advise our experts. It is completely normal to open that office – Lazanski said for Pink.

As he added, our aviation, the fighter is based on 29 moments, the armored units have M-84 tanks, which again are a derivation of the Russian T-72 tank, the artillery has 122 self-propelled howitzers that are of Soviet production, the anti-aircraft systems are all of Russian origin. .

– Of course you have to have someone to follow everything. Russian producers also give a guarantee. You cannot submit any Russian system for modernization without a permit, and to expand current resources requires the consent of its manufacturer. So this is completely logical – Lazanski explained.

Asked about the opening of that office, as some comment on the balance with the NATO office, he replied that he would not see it that way.

– If they saw it that way, then it should be an office for the CSTO. In terms of structure and integrative processes, the CSTO has never been at that level like NATO. NATO is a much stronger political-military organization. The CSTO office would be a pandam for the NATO office, but this is not – said Lazanski.

Speaking about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Serbia, he noted that the date was not even specified and that relations between the two countries are excellent.

– It is good that Lavrov comes to Belgrade, this is his second visit this year – Lazanski emphasized and recalled that Putin has been to Serbia three times in the last three or four years.

That, he concluded, shows that relations between Serbia and Russia are excellent for continuity and relationship.

Speaking about the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, Lazanski says that “Turkey in the Caucasus region can go as far as Moscow allows.”

– Azerbaijan is wary of entering the territory of Armenia with the army – says Lazanski.

Lazanski stressed that Moscow has good relations with both Armenia and Azerbaijan.

– If the war operations continue, Azerbaijan may be victorious because it is numerically, economically and militarily stronger – believes Lazanski.

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