Lawyer: The most dangerous misuse of citizens’ personal data by institutions – the Society


The personal data of Serbian citizens is unprotected and there are numerous examples of abuse of such data by the institutions, lawyer Veljko Milić said tonight.

Lawyer: The most dangerous misuse of citizens' personal data by institutions 1Photo: Pixabay / Geralt

In the program of the Independent Association of Journalists of Vojvodina “Who owns (our) data”, Milić said that the misuse of personal data of citizens in political campaigns is especially dangerous.

“Not only have we had cases of institution hacking, but the institutions themselves have often shared data due to the ignorance of the people who work on those systems. However, there are numerous examples of abuse when it comes to the attitude of public companies towards the personal data of citizens, so we have a massive use of this data in electoral campaigns, but also an example of sending text messages to the citizens from the Crisis Staff ”, he said.

Milić also assessed that the existing legal regulations in this area are inadequate and confusing. Therefore, he added, when data is misused, it is very difficult to protect oneself, because the mechanisms are limited.

Commenting on possible protection mechanisms against the growing mass hate speech and threats on the Internet, that is, social networks, he said that criminal charges for such threats usually go without an epilogue, and that for years they remain as charges against perpetrators unidentified, because they usually come from fake profiles. .

“If you try to get data from Facebook or Twitter, you will not get it, and it is quite dangerous for various hosting companies from abroad to provide an opportunity for those who threaten to hide their identities,” Milic said.

Aleksandar Bibanović, an expert on freedom of expression on the Internet from Bosnia and Herzegovina, pointed out that the freedom of expression provided by the Internet is very important, but that there must be awareness and responsibility for the ethics of expression in that area.

He also noted that all the regulations on the regulation of social media and internet behavior are still being drafted, and that the Balkan countries are lagging behind the Western world on that as well.

“The West has more problems of this type, but much less. I think people are more careful with what they publish. In our country, people often forget to write in the space that someone sold them and where they earn money, for that many times they react emotionally or use the language of violence. The basic responsibility is ours, because it depends on what we post on social networks, “he said.

Commenting on the recent arrest of a Novi Sad resident for posting on social media, Bibanovic said questions about how police quickly found him were unnecessary because technology made it possible, but that it was interesting that his comment elicited a backlash. police. however, it can intervene and the question is only when it is decided and in what cases “.

Bibanović believes that one of the biggest problems in the protection of data on the Internet is advertising, “because someone gives the personal data of citizens to various companies.”

Speaking about the spread of theories about the dangers of the 5G network, he said such theories are ridiculous because “there is no 5G network here, and this 4G hardly works.”

“What 5G network, what chip? Well, half of the ATM is not working properly. The problem with all fake news is that we are used to lying for entertainment. Because it is more difficult to read scientific articles, and much easier conspiracy theories “, he evaluated, adding that, instead,” clicks are the most important and all content is subordinate to that. “

The program was broadcast on the Facebook page of the Vojvodina Independent Association of Journalists, as part of the project “Promotion of media and information literacy and strengthening of independent media in the Western Balkans” implemented by the Novi Sad School of Journalism with the support from the British Embassy in Belgrade.

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