
According to him, you have to think about what the measures bring, who will be in trouble, but regardless of economic reasons, there are some borders that should not be crossed.

“We have more than 120 hospitalized in a day, if we continue like this, it will already be a serious problem,” Kon said.

He noted that the introduction of the curfew would be a defeat.

– The curfew is a defeat, which means that we are not aware of stopping the virus on our own. Defeat in the sense that we failed to show solidarity with the virus, that we did not introduce something that everyone respects, that individuals destroy the collective now, and often very consciously, said the epidemiologist, a member of the B92 crisis staff.

Kon reiterated the importance of respecting the measures that are in force.

– The curfew is the measure that harms everyone the most, but it is the most effective, because it prevents transmission. It should be limited to a certain period of time, but if it is introduced, it should also be the first for some areas that are particularly affected – said Kon.

He added that he advocates the introduction of the use of masks in pedestrian areas, due to the large number of people in these places.

He adds that the law on the epidemic must be approved and that later many things will be better defined and, therefore, better implemented, because he expects changes in the legal framework.

When it comes to schools, these are still sporadic cases, and in the case of two related cases, the so-called cluster, the class moves to online teaching.

As explained, the information, the order, the lists are written for each child.

-It is a huge job, teaching online, there is no work. There is a huge organization to guarantee all that – said Kon and emphasized that this is why good cooperation with the Ministry of Education is important.

– Everyone is in big trouble, but the Ministry of Education showed a willingness to cooperate, they understood the situation. If necessary, we can take certain measures as epidemiologists – said Kon.

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