Law of Epidemiological Situation H1 Serbia


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon estimated that the situation with the coronavirus continues to worsen, the measures implemented from Tuesday are expected to give results next week and slow the virus, but there are still large numbers, so calm can be expected early or mid December.

“The sudden surge that we are experiencing is a matter of unbelief that has taken off, not relaxation. With absolute respect for the measures, we would come out of this situation,” Kon told TV Pink.

We are not going to spread fear, but with a mask, with a mask, distance and hand hygiene, he repeated.

There were comments that fear was spreading, that we were afraid, he pointed out, but the fear that a rational defense provokes generates caution, and that means respecting the measures, wearing masks in all conditions.

“Rational fear is desirable, but fear that leads to panic is useless and harmful. It is the duty in this situation to convey the truth,” Kon said, noting that fear spreads on some newspaper front pages.

According to him, the number of deaths is not an indicator of the immediate situation, but of what happened a few weeks before.

“Many people are already immunized and not vaccinated, and the vaccine is given to everyone who is on the plan. Those who are in the first attack are the first to get vaccinated,” Kon said.

Younger children get more seriously ill and are less carriers of the virus, which is why elementary school students stay in the classroom, Kon explained.

He cited an example from the Belgrade kindergartens last week, in which they had 94 employees who were sick and 14 children for all of Belgrade.

“Those 14 were determined to be connected to kindergarten, and you have about 300 children who did not even come, because they are in the family in self-isolation. It is clear that these are not places of contagion, and the presence of children is diluted” Kon said.

Kon said that 30 percent of the number of patients in Belgrade is large, and between 300 and 350 are those who need to be hospitalized daily.

“There are still hospitalizations, but we cannot say that it will be in Belgrade,” Kon said, saying that there are no restrictions for elderly, healthy and chronic patients, they are recommendations and should take care of themselves.

“What is clearly said is that fame should be celebrated at home, because the virus has also entered our families,” Kon noted.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
