Last year, he escaped death in Vracar, and for two days now, ALL TRACES HAVE BEEN LOST!


STAR FAN GONE LAZAR VUKIĆEVIĆ: Last year he escaped death in Vračar, and for the past two days, EVERY STONE HAS BEEN LOST!

Photo: T. Ilić, Illustration

The disappearance of Vukćević, who, according to unofficial information, is close to Red Star fans, was reported to the Belgrade police, who are looking for him.

– He was last located in Banovo brdo, on Wednesday before midnight, and has since lost all trace. It is suspected that he was kidnapped, but the possibility that a crime was committed is not ruled out, Belgrade media report.

photo: Damir Dervišagić

It should be remembered that Lazar Vukičević was also attacked last year and then escaped death. Namely, a “Porsche” car exploded in Vracar, which was being driven by his father.

About a kilogram of plastic explosive was placed under the au. The explosive was allegedly activated by a remote control, but fortunately, no one was injured, because most likely it was not professionally placed. The luxury vehicle was parked in front of the Vukićević family home. The “Porsche” was registered in the name of father Miodrag, but was driven by his son Lazar.

photo: Private archive

Two months ago, Goksi, the leader of the Partizan fans, also disappeared

By the way, just over two months ago, the family reported the disappearance of the leader of the Partizan fans, Goran Veličković Goksija (33), whose trace was lost on 3 August on Vi {egradska Street in Belgrade. That night, they said, he did not return home or answer the phone. The family said they were concerned that he had not been active on social media since that day. Velickovic, like the late Vukicevic, has been known to the police for a long time.

Vukicevic was arrested in late January 2017 on suspicion of shooting Nikola Vavic’s fan in front of a Belgrade club. The shooting was allegedly preceded by a conflict that began in a bar where two groups of young people clashed.

After the shooting, he tried to escape, but was arrested near the scene by a police officer who was there.


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