LAST SECTION OF THE CROWN IN SCHOOLS Šarčević revealed how many students and teachers were infected in TWO WEEKS


In the first two weeks of classes in primary and secondary schools, a total of 52 students and 20 employees were infected with the corona virus, says Education Minister Mladen Šarčević, adding that these are sporadic cases if there are known to be around 850,000 students in schools in Serbia.

He specified for TV Pink that 25 students were infected in 1,250 primary schools in Serbia, and that of that number, six students did not even attend school.

– 16 students were infected in Belgrade, then there are sporadic cases in Sombor, Novi Pazar, Zajecar, Vranje, Nis, Leskovac – he emphasized and added that seven teachers were infected in primary schools.

The minister said that children come to schools with masks, that distance is maintained, that teachers have done a good job and that schools are today the safest place, where the possibility of transmitting the infection is much lower than in parks, sports fields where children often hang out outside of school. .

Šarčević again appealed to people not to take photos or record children at school, because it is prohibited by law.

– I guarantee that schools are the safest place in the country. It is forbidden to film other people’s children without authorization, the minister said.

It points out that the educational inspection checks daily if preventive measures are implemented in the school.

VIDEO: Distance learning
