
In the last 24 hours, 14,486 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 5,809 of them tested positive, while sadly 58 people died.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the “Trampoline” Institute, there are 278 patients on respirators in hospitals throughout Serbia.

Let us remind you, yesterday we noticed a decrease in the number of new hires – 6,903 were positive out of 18,232 people tested, while 57 people passed away. According to yesterday’s data, there were 279 patients on respirators in Serbian hospitals.

So far, the black daily records are: the most positive in a day: 7,999, the most people with respirators: 288, the most tested: 22,837 and the most deceased: 69.

Due to the worsening epidemiological situation, this is the first weekend since the latest measures against the spread of the coronavirus came into force, and most of the shops, restaurants and businesses in Serbia have closed. However, both today and yesterday, large numbers of people are on the streets of Belgrade, many sitting in the cafe gardens, although they are officially closed.

– Patients with a much more serious clinical picture, with very advanced pneumonias that require immediate oxygen placement, are now attending the admission triage clinic, the director of KBC “Bežanijska kosa”, Marija Zdravković, warned this morning about the RTS. He adds that 95 to 99 percent of the way you enter the hospital requires immediate oxygen.

Belgraders yesterday: They are sitting in the gardens of the cafes, although they are officially closed

Photo: Zoran Ilić / RAS Serbia

Belgraders yesterday: They are sitting in the gardens of the cafes, although they are officially closed

Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, responding to the question of journalists whether there will be a stronger closure, if the measures do not give results, said that we are facing new challenges, celebrations, Catholic Christmas, New Years and added that there is information to sell arrangements for New Years Eve. years.

Dr. Mirsan Đerlek said this morning that we have not yet reached the peak of the epidemic, after which we could expect a flattening of the curve and a drop in the number of patients. Read more about that and its appeal here.

VIDEO: Crowd in front of the KOVID ambulance in Požarevac
