Lake Zlatibor took on a new look and immediately SHARED THE INTERNET For some it SHINES LIKE VEGAS, others claim they “can’t take the smell of the air”


Yesterday’s main topic is Lake Zlatibor and its new image on social media. As each change has its good and bad sides, the comments are in line with that.

That is, two photos of this lake are circulating on Twitter, in the before and after version, the difference is more than obvious, but also for everyone’s taste.

The main question that arises is whether nature has been destroyed or has this encouraged tourism.

“Another man convinces me that now it’s better. Well, I really don’t know what’s wrong with us. The lake in Zlatibor then and now. To me the first picture is really Zlatibor, and the second one looks like” Dubai “to me, or maybe Am I wrong? “she wrote. a Twitter user next to these photos and thus sparked a flood of comments.

“They can cut down their pine trees, they can make peasant fountains in the lake, they can make fun of the center, but they cannot take away that smell of air,” is one of the comments on the new look of the lake in Zlatibor.

However, there are also those who like the new image of the center of Zlatibor, and compare it with some destinations in the world.

It’s interesting that people have a lifelong desire to go to Dubai, Las Vegas, New York … And then when the enlightenment comes to Zlatibor, “Oh, look how it looks.” bar and cafe is my TOP ”, wrote another user of this social network.

Another Twitter user agreed with her:

“Zlatibor is more beautiful than ever. Lamenting for the old Zlatibor, which is a cut mountain, without grandeur, has become fashionable and the petty bourgeois repeats the mantra as the founder of the lesson. It is an urban winter resort with facilities, no desert. Whoever loves unspoiled nature, miss Zlatibor. ” he added.

On the one hand, it is understandable that lovers of unspoiled nature do not like this change, while on the other hand it must be taken into account that Zlatibor is one of the most famous tourist destinations in our country and must follow a certain degree of urbanization.

Photo: VL / RAS Serbia

Judge for yourself if the lake was more beautiful now or before.

VIDEO: Gondola in Zlatibor put into trial operation
