LAJČAK WOULD LIKE TO CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION OF SERBIA: The EU envoy is silent on the ZSO and stated when he expects a new round of talks between Belgrade and Pristina


Lajcak told the Kosovo Klan that to reach an agreement, it is necessary to have legal regulations.

– After the States reach an international agreement, it will probably be necessary to include the necessary legal arrangements at the constitutional level to integrate what has been agreed and signed in accordance with the domestic legal order. This applies to both the (fake state) of Kosovo and Serbia. The final agreement is necessary for the normalization of relations between the two parties – he said, reports Kosovo online.

Lajcak, who has assumed the mandate of the EU mediator, will lead the talks between Belgrade and Pristina until April 2021, with the possibility of extending the mandate.

The dialogue resumed in July this year after a 20-month hiatus.

The last meeting was on December 10 at the technical level, where the joint ownership and financial requirements were discussed. The EU envoy announced a new round of talks for 2021, without specifying the exact month.

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