Lajcak: Serbia and Kosovo will change the Constitution – Politics


The special envoy of the European Union for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, affirmed that his final agreement involves several legal corrections at the constitutional level, reports Reporters.

Lajcak: Serbia and Kosovo will change the Constitution 1Photo: EPA / OLIVIER HOSLET

Lajcak told Kljan Kosova that it is necessary to have legal regulations to reach an agreement.

“Once the states reach an international agreement, it will probably be necessary to include the necessary legal arrangements at the constitutional level to integrate what has been agreed and signed in accordance with the internal legal order, and this applies to both Kosovo and Serbia.” Lajcak said, Kosovo reports online.

Lajcak affirmed that the two parties are still far from reaching convergent positions, but that they are doing “trilateral work to solve this problem.”

Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina resumed in July after a 20-month hiatus. The last meeting was held on December 10 at the technical level, and it is not yet known when the next one will be scheduled, especially given the announced early elections in Kosovo.

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