Kurjak: There is no reason Putin should visit Serbia


It is not possible to draw a conclusion about the change in the foreign policy of a world power based on the accusations about the cancellation of a presidential visit, especially since now there is no reason for Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Serbia, said the former Serbian ambassador in Moscow, Jelica Kurjak.

Kurjak said that the public did not have much information about it, except for those in the office of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić. Although, as he said, “that does not mean that we do not trust him, but there is no information about why Putin is coming, what is the reason.”

“If you have stable, friendly, traditional and useful relations with a country, then it is natural for presidents to see each other often, but not as often as it was between Russia and Serbia. When a president comes to visit, it is an emergency. , or some new economic, political or military project, or the visit is regular, but not every hour, “said Kurjak.

He added that the fact that Putin was expected to come as soon as he was invited does not mean that he will come, but it does not necessarily mean a cooling of relations or dissatisfaction on the Russian side.

Kurjak explained that “marking Belgrade Liberation Day is not a reason for the presence of the president of a world power”, and that it is completely different when the President of Serbia attends the Victory Over Fascism Day in Moscow “because to the general meaning of that date. “

Kurjak sees Serbia’s lack of a clear foreign policy as the biggest problem.

“We do not have a clearly defined development of the country, what we want, how, when we are attached, but we get together with everyone, and times have changed a lot since the non-alignment policy pursued by SFRY. I think ‘playing in all directions ‘They are not political leadership skills, but seeking salvation, partners, opportunities for someone to help us, to recover economically, to perhaps define ourselves politically, ”Kurjak said.

He added that he believes that all statesmen should come to Serbia as the largest country in the Balkans, but that this does not mean that Serbia is changing its policy because of those visits.

“If French President Emanuel Macron comes, they say we are changing the policy, if our president went to the United States to ask for help with Kosovo, then we have left the EU, and in fact these are only public interpretations because there is no policy. clear officer, “Kurjak said.

Citing unofficial sources from diplomatic circles, the newspaper “Danas” announced that Putin will not visit Belgrade in October, as previously announced.
