KRIVOKAPIC ON THE MONTENEGRIN POLITICAL COURSE: If we beat the DPS to change nothing, then we did nothing


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– Just over a month ago, the citizens of Montenegro defeated the government in elections, which for thirty years destroyed the basic values ​​of civilized society that Montenegro has inherited throughout history. This period since the end of the elections and the waiting for the “teacher” to take pity on his people and assign him a mandate for the composition of the new government confirmed that they succeeded to a great extent. Since nothing meaningless and unforeseen never happens, I see this period as the snow in which each of us left his feet.

It is now clearer than ever that the regime was defeated in the elections, but that many of its achievements have yet to be defeated. I am afraid that the list of social anomalies is so long that Montenegro does not have time to postpone solving these problems for a single day. If we beat the DPS to preserve the system they created, then we did nothing, so I think rethinking is a question of all questions. We simply have to start thinking differently, behaving and acting differently, communicating differently.

Montenegro must boldly enter a new stage of its development, because although much has been destroyed in it, we have incredible human potential to lift the state and return it to those from whom it was kidnapped thirty years ago. In recent days, the Montenegrin public has been amused by a problem that is no longer the case.

We solved that problem, and it is the Law of Religious Freedom, on August 30 and officially, unofficially months before, with peaceful and dignified protests against legal violence. With the fall of the DPS, the first thing that happened to him and behind him was precisely that strange Law, because, among other things, Montenegro finally stood up.

Instead of dealing with issues that will bury us at the end of this year, all related to the difficult financial and epidemiological situation of the country, the citizens of Montenegro listen to the confused statements of the representatives of the political bloc that immediately after the elections. incorporated a solution to that problem in the basic agreement.

The aggrieved party, in this case the Church, had no objection to that provision of our settlement. The Law of Religious Freedom is no longer a problem in Montenegro, but through the controversy in this regard, problems that are already present in our society can be identified. The agenda is set everywhere by those who direct, direct or govern, so I think it makes no sense that the issue that was proposed by the outgoing government, and that broke its teeth, is still on the agenda of Montenegro. The Djukanovic regime has destroyed and now I can freely say that it has destroyed the elemental trust of citizens in each other and everyone in the rule of law, but what they least need today is our testimony that we are weak in the face of this problem, because We are not! That is why I suggest that issues that are artificial should not run on the public agenda, because we have a lot of truth, that defeatism or pessimism should not spread, because we did not win to complain or accuse, but to change Montenegro.

I suggest that we enrich the public space with constructive discussions about real issues and thus send a message to destroy the perverted legacy left by the outgoing regime. “

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