Montenegro’s most influential opposition party, the DPS, criticized Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapi’s statements to the Belgrade weekly NIN today.
Source: Tanjug

Illustration: Depositphotos / natanaelginting
The party claimed that Krivokapi at the same time confirmed previously expressed suspicions that, before becoming the head of the list in the elections, “he was the voice and member of that party.”
DPS spokesman Milo Nikoli said today that the policy of that break was non-discriminatory “with a sweaty attitude towards everyone, regardless of who belonged to what political party.”
In an interview with the Serbian media, Krivokapi said that “no one who is not engaged in private business could do anything in Montenegro without DPS.”
“I’m not talking about DPS membership or voting body. I’m talking about the simplest document you need on the altar that someone from DPS worked on, and that was decided again by someone from DPS,” Krivokapi said.
If these statements by Krivokapi are true, says Nikola, the question arises in what way, then his swastika Jadranka Vukovi has been successfully running the Holos pharmacies for decades, where Krivokapi’s son also works.
Everything that Krivokapi said, says Nikola, is a glaring falsehood, like the ones that previous governments have because Montenegro is not in the EU or that they have borrowed exclusively to borrow.
“Krivokapi, now as prime minister, has an obligation not to participate in populism, but to speak the truth to the citizens, whether he likes it or not. However, we can expect from a man who says that declaring Vladimir Boovi persona non grata was the malice of a backward regime, and not the right attitude towards a foreign diplomat who continually concealed the more conventional Beka, or from the prime minister who says that Montenegro is smaller than Novi. Belgrade, “said Nikola, who is also a member of parliament, reported the Podgorica CdM portal.
Nikoli also affirmed that the great history of Montenegro and the great Montenegrin people cannot be humiliated “not even by passersby at the head of their government, like Zdravko Krivokapi”.