14.09.2020. 22:30

Photo: print screen
Tonight, Big Boss planned for the 15 heaviest members of the cooperative to visit the store and buy food for all members of the household. Chaos ensued when Kristijan Golubović was warned that he only had 10 minutes to shop and could not add food after the expiration of that period.
Kristijan tossed groceries around the Cooperative and broke a portion of what she bought at the store. The cooperative members tried to calm him down, but they couldn’t, but he kept yelling at the property and throwing things out of the store.

Photo: Printscreen / YouTube
– You want me to show you in Zvezdara how to behave when you are rude. He says “contact security” but I’ll kick you and security! – Christian was furious
– It is not a solution to jump either – the coworker replied
– I buy chemicals for everyone. Wait for this, wait for that. You smoke my shit. The beating came from heaven. All good with them, they fuck you in the mouth. She still makes fun of me. She tells me “look for sure” that I’m afraid of safety. With my fists to my head, I put them in the fridge in three seconds – Christian was furious

Photo: Printscreen / YouTube
– They tell me “Security contact” I’m charging you and security! she yelled, while security was standing in the store.
– She’s going to act for me! U Usta vas f * bem klošarska! did not calm down.

Photo: Printscreen / YouTube
Comments began to emerge on social media that for this safety and food treatment provided by the Big Boss, Christian could earn disqualification. The production reaction is expected due to horrible curses and insults.