KRIK’s social media manager’s apartment was raided


Andjeli Mitrovic, social media manager in KRIK, an apartment was raided tonight in Belgrade. This is the third case in which members of the KRIK portal were robbed from their apartments; previously, they were succeeded by journalists Dragana Pećo and Milica Vojinović. The police have not solved any of the cases.

Writes: Bojana Jovanović

Shortly after 7 p.m., KRIK’s social media manager Andjela Mitrovic returned from work and as soon as she entered the apartment, she heard a noise.

She set the alarm and called her husband, who called the police.

In the bedroom, she found one of the drawers untidy, and on the bed was her open jewelry box from which some jewelry had been stolen.

The front door was not forced and Angel’s apartment was probably forced through a bedroom window. By the way, the building the apartment is in has security cameras in front of the front door and the elevator, but the bedroom is on the other side of the building.

The police came to the investigation only after an hour. The investigation is still ongoing, and Angela was told that another robbery took place in the area tonight.

None of KRIK’s equipment and documents were in the apartment, and the theft did not endanger any sources or work in the stories.

A series of robberies

Before Angela, the apartments were raided by two journalists from KRIK.

Dragani Pećo’s apartment in central Belgrade was broken into in July 2017. She was out of Belgrade at the time, and her fiancé found the apartment with the broken lock when he returned from work.

The family home of journalist Milica Vojinović was raided in October 2019, while she and her family were out of Serbia.

It is very strange that in both cases the apartment and the house were looted, but it did not seem that they were ordinary robberies. Nothing was taken from Dragana’s apartment, while the thieves stole around 500 euros from Milica’s, but left a wallet full of money on the bed.

Pećo and Vojinović reported the robberies to the police, as well as to the working group for the protection of the safety of journalists, but to date no cases have been resolved.

The KRIK editorial board believes that some of these thefts are related to KRIK’s work and appeals to investigative bodies to resolve these cases.
