KRALJEVO IS LOOKING FOR A MILLIONAIRE: In the city of Ibar, the issue is that the winner of the lottery week is worth 2.5 million euros


Various theories and comments, and of course congratulations to the lucky winner, appeared on social networks, and there were also those who secretly, and coincidentally, visited certain payment points, trying to find out if the ticket was paid there.

– Of course you will remain anonymous, but what else ?! I’m glad he’s the Kraljevo winner, and I’d even prefer it to be someone who really needs money, someone who, like most of us, can barely make ends meet … I hope luck is this time he looked at the good people, not those who have more money than they need – says an elderly Kraljevo citizen, looking at the closed door of the Serbian State Lottery payment place in the center of Kraljevo.

“They don’t work on weekends,” he adds, spreading his arms. – Whoever got so much money, spend it on health!

The profit of 2.5 million euros, or more precisely 294,466,795 dinars, is undoubtedly the biggest prize of prizes and games of chance that reached Kraljevo. There have been winners of bingo prizes, six lottery, cars and other prizes before, but so much money at once, at least as much as memory serves one of the passionate local fans of the games, thankfully not there until now.

– I’ve been playing the lottery for four decades and I got five, sometimes decent, sometimes modest amounts, but that week I can’t be lucky – says Ilija V. – Now on Friday I hit a number. But I always say: it will be better next time. I play and hope, because whoever does not play cannot win, it is not great wisdom.

In addition to the dilemma of who is lucky and where the combination was paid, the city of Ibar also discussed the method of paying the premium, all at once or in installments, and even how the money will be spent.

– When tax is deducted, it can leak every month, I would not complain at all. And I would not immediately rush to buy a new “Mercedes” or “Audi”, but first I would settle my children, then slowly … Hey, money is not the most important thing in life, but it solves a lot of problems – honestly, wrote one on the Kraljevčanka social network.

One of his fellow citizens commented that it is a pity that the winner cannot travel to some expensive and attractive tourist destination due to the global pandemic of the coronary virus, while a resident of the city in Ibar, through a social network, already openly offered a partner. fail “.

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– My neighbors listened almost until midnight to see if there was a whisper or a great celebration, a song … And then they were disappointed to say that this or that one does not even know how to be happy – adds our interlocutor. – Well, I would remain anonymous in that situation, those are the times. Only those closest to me would know. The only question is whether such a profit will ever come to Kraljevo again.


The PAYMENT points of the Serbian State Lottery (DLS) in Kraljevo do not work on weekends, and the owners of other points of sale, such as exchange offices or kiosks, had no information until Saturday afternoon where it was paid the winning ticket.

– I don’t think we will find out, perhaps only on Monday if the organizer of the game announces, in this case DLS – says the owner of the exchange house where it is also possible to pay the lottery. – The winner of all the procedures ends up at the State Lottery headquarters in Belgrade, there is nothing left with the place of payment, only if he wants to share the seller.

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