Kragujevac has the highest number of infected in proportion to the population, Nis and Belgrade the least


The city of Kragujevac has the highest one-day coronavirus infection rate among the largest Serbian cities, and Nis and Belgrade are the least infected per 100,000 inhabitants, data analysis from the Serbian Institute of Public Health shows “Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut “posted on Sunday.

Kragujevac has 316 new cases of kovid-19, or 175.6 per 100,000 residents.

In recent days, the number of newly infected people has increased daily in the central city of Šumadija from 22 to 35 people, while the previous day, the incidence rate per 100,000 was 156.

The emergency situation has been in place for five and a half months, and Kragujevac crisis staff and the Clinical Center have not confirmed a single kovida-19 death since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. They do not reveal to the public what is happening to the patients in the kovid temporary hospital in the hall of the Šumadija Fair in Kragujevac.

According to official data from the institute’s “Trampoline” site, in Serbia, 71.92 new cases of kovid per 100,000 inhabitants, almost 10 percent less than the previous day (81.77).

After Kragujevac, among the largest Serbian cities, in proportion to their size, it follows Kraljevo with 147.5 infected citizens per 100,000 inhabitants, then Valjevo with 133 and Novi Sad with a coefficient of 94.38.

The capital and the largest city in southern Serbia have significantly fewer daily infections, 73.07 Nis and Belgrade 77.33 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
