Kovid’s patient (48) broke the mirror and tried to commit suicide BY CUTTING OFF THE WHOLE BODY!


Dr. Nebojsa Dimitrijevic, director of Leskovac General Hospital, told Kurir that Kovid, a positive patient (48) from Leskovac, attempted suicide by breaking a mirror and cutting himself in the body, including his neck.

– A patient (48), when we were just trying to intubate him and put him on a respirator, to try to save his life, tried to commit suicide a few days ago by breaking a mirror and cutting himself all over his body. The man is very big and strong, weighing about 130 kilograms and we barely managed to overcome it. Even when the surgeons sutured all his wounds, he managed to tear the one on his neck and we had to suture it again. These are invisible torments, we cannot defeat them. And since his condition is very bad, he came to us like this, and since the saturation is below 80, we should not even give him strong doses of sedatives. In already compromised breathing, that would still be a problem, says Dr. Dimitrijević de Kurir.

He claims that the man, who works as a temporary worker in Belgrade, arrived at his hospital last Thursday in a very neglected state as far as the crown is concerned, and that he was immediately admitted to the ward.

photo: SU

– It came with poor saturation, which we could hardly measure. He tested positive, we placed him, but he immediately left the hospital and went for a walk. We reported everything to the police, who found it and returned it. And then the real hell began. Chaos created. Even security couldn’t beat him. He managed to reach the mirror and cut himself everywhere. You can’t give that man an infusion or put on an oxygen mask, nothing. The other patients were upset, we somehow separated him into a room to be alone, says Dimitrijević, adding that the family claims he had no mental problems before.

Dimitrijevic denies that the man tried to jump out the window.

– He did not try to jump and has nowhere to go because the building is on the ground floor. He was cut in the body – he says.

He adds that they somehow managed to do a head scan, which is fine. – Now the most important thing is to try to save his life with a respirator – says Dimitrijevic, adding that they have 5-6 patients on a respirator, that the hospital is almost full, that they all have a moderate or severe clinical picture, and that up to 70 employees are infected.

(Kurir.rs / JSS)

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