Kovid patients describe what a CONTINUOUS BATTLE FOR LIFE AND BREATH looks like


In five seconds, after you take your oxygen off, you start screaming, says Dr. Nebojsa Krstic, one of many patients at KBC “Dragisa Misovic”, where the fight for the crown has not stopped since March and where doctors , nurses, and everyone within those walls. they are fighting a fierce battle for every life and breath.

Being sick with kovid is like being a fish on dry land and fighting for air. By the time it leaves the oxygen, it only takes five to ten seconds to begin chirping. And then panic … Fear is a normal human trait. Panic is a problem. If you get over panic, you’ve gotten over it all.

Thus begins the story of Dr. Nebojsa Krstic (58) from Vranje, employed in the Bujanovac Emergency Room health center, who entered the Belgrade KBC “Dragisa Misovic” with bilateral pneumonia on October 22.

This institution has been caring for covid patients since March, and reporters from “Kurir” also visited it last week. All employees, like soldiers on the battlefield, are fighting the battle constantly and tirelessly. The goal is one: life!

– I have my first symptoms at work, on call. Fever with bone pain, and then everything in order … I was tested. Positive. Two days in the hospital in Vranje, so I was transferred to “Mišović” for intensive care – says Dr. Krstić. He feared more for his wife, who is also infected, than for himself. Fortunately, it passed without pain:

– I ended up in intensive care. With oxygen for 24 hours. From 15 to 17 liters … I don’t even want to think about the endless hours in the hospital …

Fortunately, he won the key battle and was preparing to go home to see his grandchildren, whom he missed the most.

Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

Many “Mišović” patients still have to fight. Block B, where there are around 80 beds and 22 beds for the most difficult patients, is full. In intensive care, a ghostly silence. The hiss of respirators and the quiet speech of the hurried sisters. Some patients undergo invasive intubation, put to sleep to relieve pain. However, their faces, serious and expressionless, suggest a struggle. As well as the eyes of patients who are on non-invasive mechanical ventilation. With a vacuum mask over the face. Aware. However, fear can also be seen in them.

– Places! Sister! Urgent! – shouts one of the doctors as he and his companions run and push the bed with the patient. A middle-aged man, drenched in sweat, open-mouthed, semi-conscious, but with a distinct expression of panic on his face, is trying to catch his breath. The absolute silence was replaced by the murmur of voices and hasty movements. In less than a minute, the patient was hooked up to oxygen.

This happens often, explains Natasa Bogunovic, the head nurse of KBC “Dragisa Misovic”. “Aggravated” patients arrive at the intensive care unit.

– They put a mask on him and now put him in the prone position (lying face down). They are doing everything possible to postpone putting on a respirator, explains Bogunović.

New patients are constantly arriving, says Dr. Tatjana Milošević, head of the pulmonology department, and it is especially worrying that in the first and second waves, at least initially, they were much younger patients, between 20 and 40 years old. Now a large number of them are over 65 years old.

Photo: Aleksandar Dimitrijevic / RAS Serbia

– The number of infected grows alarmingly. We do not know how many of them will have a severe clinical picture. We already have several pathologies and many difficult patients. We have those who have developed kidney failure, patients who are dialyzed normally, many diabetics and patients with other chronic diseases … In the first days of the disease, most patients are not in such a serious condition , but the worsening begins between the seventh and the tenth day. The older the patient, the more comorbidities, the more severe the clinical picture is expected – says Dr. Milošević. Note that the respiratory infection season normally lasts until May and that there are many bacterial pneumonias in that period. What will happen in the collision with the corona and when there will be a new peak, Dr. Milosevic says is largely up to us:

– If people were a little more careful – to wear masks and wash their hands, everything would be different and it would be much easier for all of us.

His confident voice dominates the sound of the respirator, and as healthcare workers in spacesuits rush from patient to patient, we wonder, “Is it that easy and why is it so difficult?”

There were entire families: we also think about patients at home

The walls of “Mišović”, as well as the health workers, have experienced countless sad fates since the beginning of the epidemic.

– We have had cases in which the children were in pediatrics and the parents were with us. Or a mother in one building, a father in another. We had some very difficult patients who were on a ventilator for a long time and it’s really a miracle how they came out. We also had very difficult patients who, even if not for kovida, could have died in two or three months. It is important for us to always do our best and it is never easy for you, especially when someone young is in bed. We also take care of ourselves at home, we think about patients and what else we can do, how to help them … – says Dr. Milošević.

Rarity: Radiologist Sick for the Second Time

Among the patients is the radiologist at this hospital, who became ill for the second time.

– He was ill this summer, but it has not been proven that he has covid. His swab was consistently negative, but he had a typical clinical picture and had covid cases in his family. He had constant problems for two or three months. A few days ago, he had a fever again. We take it as if the virus had reactivated. Many patients died, but we didn’t see many of those cases, says Dr. Milosevic.

Bogdan Cosic: fear is always there

Bogdan Ćosić, a receptionist technician, says that the medical staff at that hospital are concerned about the sudden increase in patients, but ready for, as he says, absolutely everything.

– We already have experience. In that sense, it is now easier for us. A work plan, shifts, vacations was quickly made … – says Ćosić. Although much has changed since March, one thing is certain, as he says, it has remained the same.

The number of people using respirators is growing

According to the latest corona section, in one day the number of people in the hospital jumped from 77 to 106. In the last 24 hours in Serbia, 8,299 people were tested for the corona virus, of which 2,112 tested positive.. Unfortunately, 10 more people died.

VIDEO: One day at KBC “Dragiša Mišović” at the time of the crown
