Kovid is the INCARNATION OF THE DEVIL, this is the only way to bury the DEAD of the crown (KURIR TELEVIZIJA)


The manner in which those who have died from infectious diseases, including kovid-19, are buried is prescribed in Serbia by the Rulebook on the conditions and manner of handling the remains of a deceased person, in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Death. population against infectious diseases.

The professor at Belgrade Medical School, Dr. Goran Belojevic, says that kovid-19 belongs to infectious diseases that are transmitted by air, so burial is exactly the same as with smallpox.

“The deceased must go to the tin coffin. Anyone who has a diagnosis of U07.1 or U07.2 must be placed in the tin coffin immediately, as soon as possible without taking the corpse, after that they should go to the coffin made of wood, “said the professor. faculty nicknamed “Doctor Maserati” on “Pulse of Serbia” on Kurir Television.

Explain that the virus is present everywhere on the corpse.

“The virus is present on the surface of the skin, on the corpse, it is present everywhere. Those who approach must be hermetically protected, those who work with that corpse and those who place it in that coffin. You should do the same as with smallpox ”.

The teacher said that now is the “time of death” and that we all have to adapt to certain situations.

“This virus is the embodiment of the devil,” concluded Professor Belojevic.


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Author: delivery courier
