Kovid in the region: The most difficult day for Montenegro, Serbia in the most favorable position


Today, Serbia registered the lowest number of new coronavirus infections in the region, in absolute numbers and in relation to the number analyzed.

Source: Tanjug

Getty Images / Al Bello

Getty Images / Al Bello

The most difficult day since the beginning of the epidemic was recorded in Montenegro. Eight patients died and of the 749 samples tested, 296 were recently infected, representing about 40%.

There are currently 3,448 active cases in Montenegro.

The total number of deaths related to covid 19 infection since the beginning of June is 137 and since the beginning of the year 146.

In Romania, the daily increase is over 1,000 and most countries in the region record a daily three-digit number of new cases.

In Serbia, however, 61 new cases of the kovid 19 virus have been confirmed in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases to 32,999 since the start of the pandemic.

No patients died in the same period, which means that the number of deaths from kovid-19 in Serbia is still 743, it was published on the Covid 19.rs website.

6,814 people were analyzed, a total of one million and 84,893 people who met the criteria to define the case.

Currently, there are 23 people on respirators.

In the past 24 hours, 66 new coronavirus cases were confirmed in Kosovo and Metohija, based on 503 samples tested, and no deaths were recorded, the Pristina Institute of Public Health announced today.

Since the beginning of pavidemia, 15,208 people have fallen ill in Kosovo and Metohija, and a total of 615 people have died.

In the last two weeks, there has been a decrease in the number of new cases infected with kovid 19 in Kosovo and Metohija, and the number of people cured has increased, Kosovo reports online.

In the last 24 hours alone, 104 patients have won the fight against the coronavirus, bringing the total number of cured cases to 12,674.

The number of deaths continues to be worrying, as 615 citizens died from this contagious disease.

In the last 24 hours, 215 new coronavirus infections have been identified in Bosnia and Herzegovina, of which 164 are from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 51 from the Republika Srpska.

In the last 24 hours, 144 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection and two deaths were recorded in Croatia.

The first case of contagion in Croatia has been registered since February 25 this year, and so far a total of 15,136 people infected by the new coronavirus have been registered, of which 255 have died.

To date, a total of 267,297 people have been tested.

A total of 14 deaths were recorded in the FBiH, five in the last 24 hours and nine in the past, which were reported later.

In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1,635 samples were analyzed and in RS 446.

As of today, the total number of deaths in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 465 and the coronavirus has been confirmed in 16,609 people.

So far, 8,822 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in the Republika Srpska, and a total of 292 people have died in whom a new coronavirus test has been confirmed.

In North Macedonia, 88 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the last 24 hours and five people have died, the Ministry of Health announced.

Last day, 1,618 samples were analyzed.

Since the beginning of the epidemic in North Macedonia, 16,867 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed and 705 people have died.

According to official data, 88 infected people have been registered in Slovenia since the last cross section.

So far 203,674 citizens of Slovenia have been tested and the total number of infected is 4,558.

In Romania, 1,059 new cases of coronavirus infection were registered in the last 24 hours and another 45 people died.

A total of 114,648 people have been infected with coronavirus in Romania and 4,503 have died.

During the past 24 hours, nearly 22,000 citizens were tested, totaling 2,253,380.

151 new cases of coronavirus were registered in Bulgaria, more than 100 more than the previous day, and the total number of infected exceeded 19,000, announced the Ministry of Health.

Four patients died in the last 24 hours and 765 since the start of the pandemic.

In the last 24 hours, eight coronavirus-infected patients died in Hungary, and the number of patients has increased by 633 since the last section, which infected a total of almost 20,000 Hungarian citizens.

In total, more than 630,000 citizens were examined.

In Albania, 131 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the last 24 hours and three people have died.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, a total of 12,666 people have been infected in Albania, of which 367 have died.
