KOVID DISABLEDS Scars in the lungs, fatigue, hair loss … Young and healthy people suffer serious consequences for months after the crown


Fatigue, confusion, scars on the lungs, hair loss are the consequences that can last a long time after kovida-19. For most people with kovid, the worst thing is that they have “head fog” for months after the illness, which is a term that scientists do not fully understand. Somewhat rarer but also mentioned consequences are depression, strokes and heart attacks and encephalitis.

This, among others, is being discovered by Australian patients who have had the disease, mostly young people who were previously healthy and fit. In this regard, Australian doctors warn of a possible long-term health problem.

Scientists at St. Vincent Hospital in Sydney analyzed more than 100 patients who were cured of kovida-19 and found that many face long-term consequences.

“Five months later he was worse than sick”

The young ultramarathon champion, Janin Kopi (37), contracted a mild form of the disease five and a half months ago and did not stay in the hospital, but is still unwell. She cannot run a marathon and says those five and a half months after the illness were worse than the illness itself.

Café DžaninPhoto: Janine Coppi / Instagram

Café Džanin

A successful partner in one of the largest investment management companies, Black Rock, says she is “confused” so that when she looks at her watch, she sees numbers and hands, but cannot make a mental effort to determine what time it is.

Janine Kopi held back tears as she spoke of despair at having regained only 60 percent of her previous health in nearly six months, and only on better days.

– It’s hard for me to talk about it. It’s something deep inside me, like a trauma, and the fact that the doctors don’t know how to help me scares me even more – he told “60 Minutes”.

Gregori dorPhoto: Hospital de San Vicente / Private archive

Gregori dor

Australian Liberal Party lobbyist Joe Thanos was 49 years old when he contracted kovid-19 in March. The father of three children was in good psychophysical health and did not suffer from other diseases. Unlike Janin Kopi, he had a severe form of kovida-19: he coughed so much that he could not speak, so he was rushed to “St. George” Hospital, where he was the first patient admitted to the patient room with kovida. -19. He was so ill that they had to put him in an artificial coma and he almost died.

Dejvid dales Photo: Hospital de San Vicente / Private archive

Dejvid dales

“I cannot master ten steps”

When he finally got out of the hospital, he thought the pain was over, but he had to go for tests every week, because he was still sick. He told “60 Minutes” that he couldn’t get over a dozen steps without running out of breath.

“I can’t go to the gym and lift weights and box and train anymore, and I can’t even cover the distance I used to cross on foot or bike,” he said.

Joe Thanos before he got sickPhoto: Linkedin / Private archive

Joe Thanos before he got sick

Doctors at St. Vincent Hospital are investigating the long-term consequences of the corona virus and are particularly concerned about inflammation and scarring of the lungs for several months after patients beat the virus.

David Darley, a respiratory specialist at the hospital, says the scars show up in the images as fuzzy white spots.

Photo: Nine / screenshot

– After the kovid-19 infection, we found a significant minority of patients with persistent symptoms. That is bad news. This means that the virus causes great inflammation and inflammation of the lungs, so the patient may feel very unwell, reports the “Daily Mail”.

According to Professor Gregory Dora, an infectologist at the same hospital, most patients experience symptoms of constant fatigue, confusion, decreased physical abilities, and chest tightness.

“The initial acute illness may have been overcome a bit, but the symptoms continued and in a sense even got worse,” he says.

Alisa MilanPhoto: Alyssa Milano / Private Archive

Alisa Milan

“I have irregular periods, palpitations and choking”

American actress Alice Milano declared that she had never been so ill in her life. She was infected with the corona virus in April and did not even dream that she would still be ill five months later. She still has “dizziness, stomach problems, irregular periods, palpitations, choking.” Short-term memory doesn’t work at all and generally feels bad.

“Every time I panic when I think of all those nights when I couldn’t breathe,” he said. Describe the disease as something that moves throughout the body.

Perhaps the most terrifying thing is that he has lost his mental sharpness.

– My head is blurry and suddenly I can’t pronounce common words like “coffee”. They just disappear, he explains.

Previously, Milan posted videos on social media showing how much his hair was falling out.

Alisa Milan Photo: daily mail / screenshot

Alisa Milan

“I just wanted to show you how much my hair falls out from kovid-19, when I pull the brush just once,” he says.

Dr. Radosavljevic: “Everything will be back to normal in half a year or a year”

– Kovid19 is a new disease and we know the symptoms for now, but little is known about the consequences, and that is why this research, the first of its kind, is very important – says Angelo Carfi, and our pneumophthysiologist, Dr. Tanja Radosavljevic, matches him.

– We have a large influx of patients who have undergone covid-19. All of them need to be addressed individually, but what most need to do is a lung scan, blood tests, lab tests, PCR tests, determination of D-dimer levels … these are some of the procedures by who will spend most of the patients – said the portal doctor “Woman”.

– Kovid is a systemic disease and attacks many organs. Nothing can be said for sure yet, but what I assume from my professional experience, as well as from experts around the world, is that everything will be back to normal in half a year or a year. The important thing until then is that patients do not strain, but also that they are not tied to the bed. So, keep up with your pace and don’t push yourself, but stay active. What I recommend to all patients are breathing exercises, to expand the chest as much as possible, and therefore the lungs. The patients who feel the consequences of kovid are currently in an unenviable situation, because they are still unable to work and carry out their normal activities, but they are not sick, so they do not belong to kovid clinics, and they need care and attention to Longer term, longer than they can. they get it in health centers – concludes Dr. Tanja Radosavljević.

Recent research leads to the conclusion that the corona virus can attack the brain and deactivate the internal machinery to multiply neurons, killing them. The study was created in bioRxiv, a pre-printed database, but has not yet undergone peer review.
