Kosutnjak – deforestation – citizens call for construction to stop


Today, a group of citizens “Battle for Kosutnjak” sent an invitation to the Belgrade Assembly and the Assembly President to respect the rules of procedure and suspend the entire construction process in Kosutnjak.

The announcement states that “Battle for Kosutnjak” is the only one that presented a motion for a decision in the Assembly to suspend the entire project.

It is noted that the city planner Marko Stojčić, instead of abiding by the regulations and legal procedure by which the proposed “Battle for Kosutnjak” would be included in the session program, makes “nonsensical statements” that mislead the public .

“Last year, on June 18, according to Stojčić’s architectural film project, a part of Kosutnjak in the most beautiful part was forever devastated.

The concrete room can already be seen growing in the middle of the forest, “the statement read.

The statement adds that the “Battle for Kosutnjak” will go to the next Belgrade Assembly, which already has a sufficient number of signatures for the binding vote and “raising of hands and declaration of councilors.”
