Kostic will not publicly say that Kosovo is part of Serbia: the Society


SANU president rejected the request of the delegation of Kosovo Serbs and Metohija to resign due to the declarations on the independence of Kosovo

The conversation of the president of SANU, Vladimir S. Kostić, with the delegation of the Association of Expelled and Relatives of Missing and Kidnapped Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, who today protested in front of the Academy, carrying billboards with photos of compatriots and missing family members, ended in extreme misunderstanding by both parties.

Kostic will not publicly say that Kosovo is part of Serbia 1Photo: FoNet / Marija Djokovic

Kostic rejected the requests of the Kosovo and Metohija Serb delegation to resign as SANU president for moral reasons, due to the statement that Kosovo is de facto and de jure independent, as well as to publicly say that “the province southern Serbia is part of Serbia. ” The Kosovo and Metohija Serbs held the view that Kostic, as the president of SANU, cannot publicly express his personal unconstitutional opinion.

Although they entered SANU, without warning, with the idea of ​​giving Kostic photos of the Serbs who disappeared from Kosovo and Metohija for seven days, including their namesakes: 14 male members of the Kostic family kidnapped from Retimlje in Metohija, a delegation of Serbs . from Kosovo and Metohija. She left the Academy with billboards and was reportedly dissatisfied with the thesis exchange because instead of Kostić’s controversial statement, the academics told them what SANU was doing for Kosovo and Metohija. Poakovo poet Ranko Đinović, on behalf of the Association, announced massive protests in front of SANU as soon as the coronary virus pandemic passes; Due to security measures, a delegation of about ten members arrived at SANU yesterday.

– The president of SANU has been giving statements for a long time and continuously that Kosovo and Metohija are independent, which causes us great mental pain. We know we do not have a legal way or statutory right to change it, but we have come to ask you to resign for moral reasons. We also brought photos of our great martyrs from Kosovo and Metohija, innocent, all civilians, to show at least Kostic, given his ignorance, that Kosovo and Metohija is our inalienable country, and that he has the right to express his opinion only in public. about his private property – says on behalf of Danas Ranko Đinović.

He called on Kostic to “repent and apologize” and announced that, unless the SANU president renounces the controversial ruling, the Association of Exiles and Families of Missing and Kidnapped Serbs of Kosovo and Metohija will not cooperate with the Academy. Although the Kosovo and Metohija Association did not announce their arrival, the SANU president immediately received his delegation. The conversation lasted an hour and a half behind closed doors, sometimes with “high tones” and accusations against Kostic, which were heard in the corridor.

After that meeting, Academician Kostić stated that he had a painful impression: he experienced being yelled at and insulted, stating that “when it comes to guilt, the pots are completely confused, even though they understand the tragedy of those people.”

– Lately an atmosphere has been created that SANU has become a paradigm to solve the Kosovo problem and it will be enough to change the president of the Academy, which is what several academics are looking for, and then everything will be normalized. That will not happen. The academy did not create a problem, nor did it participate in the realization of these tragedies. SANU is not the only one who is breaking the problem of Kosovo and Metohija … Once again, I advocate that all structures, including the families of the disappeared and expelled from Kosovo and Metohija, sit down and determine the “red lines” of our state and national interests – emphasized academic Kostic.

Nikola Manitašević from Velika Hoča says that the Kosovo and Metohija Serbs are not aware of or interested in the political game in SANU and around its president – they came because of Kostić’s statements, which he considers “inadmissible”.

– No one has the right to say that Kosovo and Metohija are not part of Serbia, not even Kostic. You must understand the weight of where you are. When he is not the president of SANU, let him say what he wants in private. I don’t know what he’s giving up in my name: my house, the land, the graves of my neighbors … Where did he get that value from? Offer your house and apartment: Nikola Manitašević is categorical.

Due to the statements of the president of SANU on Kosovo and Metohija, the protests took place in front of the Academy on January 16, with the participation of the independent deputy Vladan Glisic, director of the Institute of European Studies Misa Djurkovic, students of the Faculty of Law Academic Matija Bećković recently publicly advocated for SANU to declare what Kosovo and Metohija are to her.

SANU EB supports the right to a personal opinion

Regarding the public and media attacks against Academician Vladimir Kostić due to the statement on Kosovo and Metohija, the SANU Executive Board announced yesterday that “the right to a personal opinion and the expression of that opinion cannot be denied to anyone “. The Board assessed that it was “inappropriate and unacceptable” to call upon Academy members to individually, “on the yes or no principle”, to state in Kostic’s statement, as suggested by some scholars. “SANU members, for many years, had complete freedom to express themselves on the Kosovo and Metohija problem in various ways; many took this opportunity and seized it, so that someone who did not realize it asked them to briefly repeat what had previously made. points of view explained. dictated, “reads the statement of the SANU EB meeting held before the arrival of the delegation of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. SANU leadership announced that the Academy” will not stop fight for everything stolen in Kosovo and Metohija through scientifically based actions. “

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