Kosovo and Metohija are not neighbors of Serbia and reconciliation depends on the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities.


VULIN REACTS TO APARTMENT'S DECLARATION: Kosovo and Metohija are not neighbors of Serbia, and reconciliation depends on the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities

Photo: BETA / Darimir Banda

Serbia’s neighbors are sovereign countries, not territories that are not members of the UN, Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said, in response to the statement by EU spokesman Peter Stan that representatives of the aspiring countries To join the EU they must fulfill the obligation to promote good neighborly relations and regional cooperation.

“If the European Union spokesperson was referring to Kosovo and Metohija, then let me correct him, Kosovo and Metohija are not neighbors of Serbia, but according to Resolution 1244, the territory is under UN administration until a final solution is reached. If you don’t believe me, ask five EU members to share my opinion. ” ‘Vulin stated in a written statement sent to the media.

The minister emphasized that reconciliation between nations does not depend on the way the EU interprets someone’s statements, but on respect, as he himself says, for what was agreed in Brussels and on the way in which EULEX respects and implements the law.

Vulin noted that reconciliation depends on the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities, on finding the culprits of the Serbian children killed in Gorazdevac, on shooting reapers in Stari Gracko, on returning property to the expelled Serbs.

As he says, the reconciliation of the people depends on the preservation of the Serbian Orthodox Church monastery in Kosovo and Metohija and the cessation of violence against Serbian children in Donja Brnjica.

He emphasized that reconciliation between nations depends on the EU’s decision to begin to implement the Brussels Agreement unconditionally and not to seek excuses for its non-implementation.

“Before EU officials determine what words we can and cannot say, let them first prove that their word given during the signing of the Brussels Agreement is worth something,” Vulin said.


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