KORONA WENT INTO 3 NIS SCHOOLS? All “suspects” are in quarantine, results awaited


They are suspected of being in quarantine and under the constant supervision of health workers and services. In one of Aleksinac’s kindergartens, a teacher was suspected of being infected. She was immediately sent home for medical examinations, after which she is in home quarantine, and the children who came into contact with her were isolated and will not come to kindergarten for a while, Politika writes.

The organization of the educational process in schools and the work of kindergartens, said Dragan Gejo, are not at all in doubt, because the appearance of the coronavirus is evaluated, as he noted, as “not massive.” It was also said that there are no laboratory-confirmed cases of corona in any of the institutions, as well as no reports of non-compliance with mandatory anti-epidemiological measures in schools.


At the same time, the Nis School Administration denied the writings of certain media and rejected all speculations that after the start of the school year in Nis, due to non-compliance with anti-epidemiological measures and obligations, the principals of the schools were replaced during the epidemic.

The director of the school administration, Gejo, claims that the information that the Minister of Education, Sarcevic, changed and removed the director of the school in Nis at any time is incorrect and arbitrary. As he pointed out, “a few days ago, a school principal resigned, but her departure from office is not related to the epidemic, but personal.”


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