Belgrade – The price of gold has risen as much as 30 percent in the last year, reaching nearly $ 2,000 an ounce.
Source: B92, TV Prva

Photo: Depositphotos, Alexynder
“It’s not just about money, it’s also about gold bars” is an old saying, which in these times, marked by a pandemic, turned out to be inevitable.
Guided by this, Serbia has increased its gold reserves by more than 10 tons in one year, and currently has 32 tons of gold.
Foreign exchange reserves amount to 13,000 million euros and gold participates with 1,600 million. That’s exactly 2,500 levers each weighing two and a half pounds.
“We buy gold very consciously, so what you have in securities and in foreign currency, does not carry not only a positive interest, but the boiling of having money. We live in an age in which money is spent, not earned” he said to Prva. Governor of TV of the National Bank of Serbia, Jorgovanka Tabakovi.
“Buying gold meant putting it in your vault and having something safe, the price of which is going up,” explains Tabakovieva.
With the disintegration of the FSYR, 45 tons of gold were allegedly left in the treasury, which was successively distributed among the republics of the former Yugoslavia. Five tons were sent for processing in 2001, so they were sold, and no one has figured out what happened to that money to this day.
After Serbia, North Macedonia has the highest amount of gold in the region, almost 7 tons, Slovenia three tons, Bosnia and Herzegovina almost 3 tons, Montenegro has a promised ton for loans, and Croatia supposedly has a “thread” because it sold everything. gold.
“It gives you security. Gold, in words, when the exchange rate situation is changing rapidly and you have negative consequences of epidemics and deficits in many countries, it has become what citizens and investors believe is safe,” said Finance Minister Sinia Mali.
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