KORONA LIVE IN SERBIA, LAST SECTION: Positive 36, 1 deceased


KORONA LIVE IN SERBIA, LAST SECTION: Positive 36, 1 deceased

Photo: Covid19.rs Printscreen, Ana Paunković, Profimedia, TS

SERBIA – In the last 24 hours, today until 3 in the afternoon, 36 crowns infected with the virus were registered and unfortunately 1 died.

A total of 6,198 citizens with symptoms of kovid were evaluated in Serbia today, and there are 33 patients on respirators.

photo: Covid19.rs Printscreen

Intersection at 3 pm

In the last 24 hours, 36 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Serbia out of 6,198 people tested. That’s almost three times less than three days ago, when 96 new cases of infection were confirmed.

To date, a total of 31,941 cases of coronavirus have been registered in Serbia at 3:00 p.m., and a total of 984,798 people who met the criteria to define the case have been tested, it was published on the website covid19.rs. Another person died of coronavirus and the total number of deaths since the start of the epidemic is 725. 487 people were hospitalized and there are currently 33 patients on respirators. The mortality rate is 2.27.

The situation in Vranje

In the three kovid hospitals of the Vranje Health Center, according to data this morning, the total number of patients is 24, of which 11 are positive for the coronavirus.

There are no children among those hospitalized and the current number of vacancies is 156, according to the city’s website. Two new patients were admitted for treatment and five patients were discharged for home treatment.

During the day yesterday, 49 examinations were carried out in the ATD kovid ambulance, of which the first 21 and the control 28. Blood samples were taken in 26 patients and 27 lung x-rays were performed, in addition to 26 PCR and 27 rapid tests.

Two new cases of infection were registered in Kraljevo

In Kraljevo, out of 67 swab samples taken from people with symptoms of Kovid-19 disease or other indications for testing, processed on September 6, two new cases of infection were recorded, according to the published Kraljevo Institute of Public Health on the city’s website.

As indicated, from the beginning of the appearance of the virus in our country until September 6, a total of 1,387 cases of coronavirus infection were registered in that city. Since the last report, there have been no deaths on the territory of the city of Kraljevo at the General Hospital Studenica.

Sabac spoiled the image for the weekend

Last weekend, two samples positive for kovid-19 were confirmed in Macvan district, and both are from Sabac, the Institute of Public Health confirmed. Since early September, there have only been four positives on one day and two on the others, and a total of twelve corona positives have been discovered to date. The total number of positive patients since March is 3,199 and there are currently 276 patients.

In August, 345 people were confirmed infected with the coronavirus in 31 days, while in July there was a real explosion, and in the same number of days, up to 2,559 positive samples were confirmed in the corona. Of the eight local self-governments in the district, the most positive have been registered in Sabac since the beginning of the pandemic, 1969, while with 63 they were the least confirmed in Ljubovija.

According to data from the health institutions of Loznica, in the previous three days in the Triage Center of the Health Center “Dr. Milenko Marin” 97 patients were examined, and in the outpatient department of the Department of Infectious Diseases 27, of which 11 were the first exams. 71 lung radiographs were performed and 11 new pneumonias were discovered. Three were admitted to the hospital and five were discharged, for which seventeen patients are currently being treated with kovid. T. Ilic

A newly infected person in Braničevo and Podunavlje districts

The epidemiological situation in Braničevo and Podunavlje districts is unstable, but favorable, considering that we do not have many new infected, the director of the Institute of Public Health in Požarevac, Ana Jovanović, said today, adding that a new infected case was registered in Petrovac and Smederevo.

“In Smederevo, he is a health worker from the Smederevo hospital, so in that city, since the beginning of the epidemic, we have 651 confirmed cases of coronavirus, while in Petrovac, with one newly infected, we have 199 positive cases in Kovid 19 since the beginning of the epidemic, “said Jovanovic. for Tanjug.

Regarding the Braničevo district, he stated that since the beginning of the epidemic in Veliko Gradište there have been 44 positive cases of coronavirus, Golubac 14, Žagubica 25, Žabarima 18, Kučevo 34, Mali Crnić 10 and Požarevac 304. Talking about the district from the Danube, He reiterated that 651 cases of coronavirus had been confirmed in Smederevo with a newly infected person since the beginning of the epidemic, while in Smederevska Palanka the number was 345 and in Velika Plana 183.


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