KORONA IN KINDERS Three isolated children, one infected, two ill and educators in Borča


Information about the transmission of the corona virus among children at a primary school in New Belgrade appeared on this morning’s television appearance by epidemiologist Predrag Kon. In the same guest appearance on TV Pink, Tanjug reported, Kon also said that six positive cases were confirmed in five kindergartens and four children and two educators were infected.

On that occasion, “Telegraf” addressed the city’s Ministry of Education and Child Protection with questions about whether these data also referred to Belgrade, in what condition they were infected, whether it was determined how they were infected, whether other children from groups isolated and which kindergartens are in question.

However, they received information from the Secretariat that the presence of the virus was confirmed in two educators, that three children were isolated and that the infection was confirmed in only one.

– The presence of coronavirus in two kindergartens of the Borča kindergarten has been confirmed in the Belgrade kindergartens since the beginning of September, until the infection of the children remaining in the collective has been reported.

It was reported that the preschool in Zemun infected a child over the summer, but the child did not return to the team after the holidays, so he was not in contact with the group and educators. In addition, two other children from the same institution are in isolation due to the contact of someone in the family with the infected.

For now, everything is going smoothly, caution is at the highest level, there have been no relaxation measures and it will continue to be so as long as the virus is present in Serbia – the Secretariat’s response states.

VIDEO: How the crown enters human cells
