Korona in a home for children with developmental disabilities near Paracin


The virus can affect everyone, but it is especially tragic when it affects the most defenseless. The news that the coronavirus has entered the Home for Children with Developmental Disabilities in Izvor near Paraćin seems worrying. As we discovered, more than 70 neighborhoods and staff members were infected in the neighborhood of origin. The corresponding ministry says that the virus was registered in that institution on November 23, but not how many of them were infected.

As the H1 reporter reported, the house is located near the St. Petka monastery in the village of Izvor, and because of that, the nuns volunteered in the house for years and helped take care of the rooms, and the house. It is administered by the Paracin Social Work Center.

There are 84 wards living in the Home and, as N1 learned, more than 70 wards and staff members have been infected with the crown.

It is not clear how the virus entered the home, given that it is a closed institution, and it was before the crown.

The H1 reporter also learned that the first symptoms of the virus were noticed last week and that they reacted then.

However, there is no exact data on how many people are actually infected, because the competent ministry does not provide such data.

Last week, the mayor spoke to local media and said that 14 wards and staff members were infected, but there has been no new official information since then.

The N1 team noticed several people in spacesuits, they have been there for a few days and are doing tests.

The Minister of Social Work previously indicated for the local portal that the results of these tests are expected.

It was not announced where the sick wards and nurses of that home were housed. H1 sources say the two wards are in the Chest Department of the Paracin hospital, and that most of them are still at home, where they receive adequate medical care.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
