KORONA CROSS SECTION IN SCHOOLS The following shows how many students are infected in total, how epidemiologists assess the situation now, and when the ALARM IS ON


The coronavirus appeared on September 1 in a school in Belgrade, and in the following days information began to arrive from other cities, first Kragujevac, then Nis. For now, according to the available information, these three cities are the only ones in Serbia that register cases of notches or suspected kovid 19.

As they told “Blic” from the Municipal Institute of Public Health, in the territory of Belgrade, the crown “entered” five schools, and five students were infected, more precisely one from each school.

As epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon said yesterday, these are individual cases in Belgrade to which “there have been reactions”.

– Everything is under very strict control. “Trampoline” told me that for now there are no problems for all of Serbia. What cannot be said of all is that there are cases of weaker protection in secondary school. I am completely convinced that after long-term work, faithful and loyal associates can also be found among high school students, noted the epidemiologist.

Dr. Kon: High school students can also be loyal collaboratorsPhoto: Nebojsa Raus / RAS Serbia

Dr. Kon: High school students can also be loyal collaborators

In addition to Belgrade, students from schools in Kragujevac have been infected with the corona virus, while in Nis, several of them are isolated due to symptoms.

Kragujevac: Four Students with Crown

Four students, attending schools in Kragujevac, have been confirmed to be infected with the corona virus.

As the epidemiologist of the Predrag Delic Public Health Institute told “Blic”, in a student who is also in sixth grade in primary school, two students of the primary school “Vuk Karadzic”, who are twins and are going to sixth grade, showed a positive result on the crown. “Natalija Nana Nedeljković”, as well as with a fourth-year student from the First Gymnasium Kragujevac.

– These students are in self-isolation, like their families, but these are not related cases, so the classes are carried out normally, with greater caution. Two twins are in the same class, but only one of them was in school, says Dr. Predrag Delic.

In class where infection occurs, students must wear masks throughout the day.Photo: nr / RAS Serbia

In class where infection occurs, students must wear masks throughout the day.

A dozen isolated students in three districts of southern Serbia

A dozen students in the area of ​​the School Administration of Nis, which covers the area of ​​the districts of Nisava, Toplica and Pirot, are isolated as a precaution because some of the family members fell ill, but since September 1 there have been no confirmed cases of corona disease in schools.

In the words of the director of the Nis School Administration, Dragan Gay, a physical education teacher got sick before going to school, but was not in contact with the students, and since school started on September 1, there is no patients among the teaching staff.

For some, it has already been determined that it is another virus, and not a corona.

– Since the beginning of the school year, there are no ill students or teachers in the area of ​​these three districts. There are a couple of cases of students whose parents are ill, so they are in isolation because of them and have not come to school for a long time, but there are no students whose crown has been confirmed. There are about 60,000 students in three districts and one percent are 600 students. If you have a dozen suspected cases, then it is statistically insignificant, says Gayo for “Blic.”

In some cases, he adds, it has already been determined that it was another virus and the corona was suspected.

– A physical education teacher at the primary school in Nis fell ill shortly before starting school, but fortunately he was not in contact with anyone, so he is isolated for treatment – Gayo emphasizes for “Blic”.

“If we last these months, then we go on horseback!”

He says that the situation is satisfactory for now, but that it is difficult to estimate how long it will last.

– Secondary school children are troublesome, when they go out to the city at night, they behave risky, they hug, they kiss, you know how is the pier on Saturday in Nis. They are in the adolescent stage, they do not realize it, they forget the rules and that is why education is necessary both at home and at school. For now, I am very satisfied with the situation. Now, I don’t know how long that will last. I hope we hang on. If we last these months, then we are on horseback – says Gayo.

He says there have been several cases of parents protesting that children have to wear masks.

– There are several cases in which parents wake up because their children do not want to wear masks, they have no nerves or they are children with special needs. That’s where we tested the visors. We measure the temperature of everyone who enters the school – explains Gayo.

When the alarm goes off

According to the assessment of epidemiologist Delic from Kragujevac, for now, the situation regarding the crown in schools is calm, but the situation is regularly monitored.

According to Predrag Delic, the border, which is a sign that “the alarm is sounding” when it comes to epidemics, is clearly prescribed by the instructions made by Trampoline with the consent of the Ministry of Education.

– Everything is precisely defined through a dozen simulations of the possibility of what can happen and what measures are taken then. For example, if there are two cases of infected students in a class and if they are online, then the whole class goes to online classes for 14 days, that is, to home isolation – she explains.

As he goes on to say, school closes when 50 percent of children are infected.

– So far, we have not had the need to apply this type of measure, but we once again emphasize that children can be infected anywhere outside of school and that is why we call the attention of parents to take good care of the place where they move children and be very careful – says Dr. Delic.

Epidemiologist Dr. Branislav Tiodorović said two days ago that everything is still calm for now. According to him, Serbia is not currently in a situation where schools have to close due to an increased number of sick children.

– We do not have a situation where schools need to be closed due to an increased number of sick children, nor are we absolutely close to such a situation – Tiodorović told H1 and rejected public speculation that schools could be closed in October due to the expected increase in the number of infected.

In any case, so that this situation is maintained, that is, so that the situation does not get worse, because whoever wants to close schools, we all adhere to that: masks, distance, hand washing. It is simple and it works.

VIDEO: Rules of Conduct at School During the COVID-19 Epidemic
