KORONA BUKTI IN BELGRADE: Epidemiologists warn that it will spread to the rest of Serbia, and this is where the greatest danger threatens


After all, what else can we conclude based on Monday’s corona figures, when we had up to 85% of those infected in the capital?

– What has to be said is that our situation is seriously deteriorating, especially in Belgrade, it is not only uncertain, but it goes in the direction of becoming unfavorable – Dr. Predrag Kon pointed out a few days ago.

As one member of the crisis staff put it, “the number of infected people is expected to transfer and spread to other parts of Serbia.”

“It won’t happen all at once, but it can be expected in the next few weeks,” said Kon.

Considering that the summer vacation is over, that the school year for students has begun, a logical question arises in which we are in greater danger of the crown spreading from the capital to other parts of Serbia. And the list seems to be long.

It is no secret that the Christmas season is beginning and that many of those who live in Belgrade, regardless of whether they work or study, will decide to go to their homeland for a day or two to celebrate with their family. And that, then, with tens or hundreds of guests, is the “ideal opportunity” for the Belgrade virus to finally spread to other parts of Serbia.

At the moment, visits to all sporting events to which fans from the interior may flock to Belgrade are prohibited, but business trips to the capital are not frequent enough, which can also be a potential “trigger” for the crown in some parts of our country.

Finally, it is well known that the best pastime is in Belgrade, regardless of the fact that it is currently limited to only 23 hours. And it is no secret that, especially on weekends, “half of Serbia” shines in the capital, be it in cafes, discos or shopping in malls.

However, the spread of the corona virus in Serbia is not only threatened from Belgrade, since before the end of the year, and especially around the Christmas and New Year holidays, a considerable number of migrants from various parts of the world will return to our country.


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